
Rust's Result enum ported to Typescript/Javascript


Import the module to your code:

import { Result } from '';

It is also published as a npm module too.

$ npm i result-rs
# or using pnpm
$ pnpm add result-rs
# or yarn
$ yarn add result-rs

Then you can import it in your code:

// Commonjs require
const { Result } = require('result-rs');
// ES Module import
import { Result } from 'result-rs';


Use the Result.from method to create a new instance of Result

const result = Result.from(someFunctionThatThrows);

result.is_ok(); // Returns false if function throwed an error

The package also exports two utility functions Ok and Err that are useful to create Ok or Err values from simple values instead of a function

import { Err, Ok } from '';

const ok = Ok('Hello World');

ok.is_ok(); // true;
ok.unwrap(); // 'Hello World'

const err = Err('Error value');
err.is_er(); // true;
err.unwrap(); // throws an error

Passing async functions to the Result.from method are handled like synchronous functions. If you want to resolve the internal value's promise, you can use the Result.sync method on any instance to resolve the promise internally.

const result = Result.from(async () => 'Hello World');
result.unwrap(); // Promise<string>

await result.sync();
result.unwrap(); // 'Hello World'

Documentation of all methods is available here.


result-rs © Yakiyo. Authored and maintained by Yakiyo.

Released under MIT License