
Copy and remove files with one command. Also, a regular expression can filter files that will be copied or removed.


  • Recursively copy the whole directory.
  • Copy several directories (to one directory) at once.
  • Remove files after files were copied, if you want.
  • Can be used in two-way (cli and es-module).

As a cli tool

$ regex-copy -r '^(.*)\.js$' -d './dist' './src'
$ rgcp './src' './dist'
$ rgcp './src1' './src2' './dist'
$ rgcp './src1' './src2' './src3' ... './srcn' './dist'
$ rgcp './src' './dist' -e '**/*.ts' -r '**/*.js' -p '**/*.ts'


  • -e: Determines which files to exclude from copy in glob pattern.
  • --exclude: Determines which files to exclude from copy in glob pattern. It takes Array expressed by JSON string as a parameter.
  • -E: Determines which files to exclude from copy in regular expression.
  • --regex-exclude: Determines which files to exclude from copy in regular expression. It takes Array expressed by JSON string as a parameter.
  • -r: Determines which files to remove in glob pattern.
  • --remove: Determines which files to remove in glob pattern. It takes Array expressed by JSON string as a parameter.
  • -R: Determines which files to remove in regular expression.
  • --regex-remove: Determines which files to remove in regular expression. It takes Array expressed by JSON string as a parameter.
  • -p: Determines which files to preserve in glob pattern.
  • --preserve: Determines which files to preserve in glob pattern. It takes Array expressed by JSON string as a parameter.
  • -P: Determines which files to preserve in regular expression.
  • --regex-preserve: Determines which files to preserve in regular expression. It takes Array expressed by JSON string as a parameter.
  • -f, --flat: Determines uncovering folder level.
  • -t: Whether to test targets. If this flag set as true, no file system action will be performed

As an es-module

import { regexCopy } from "regex-copy";
regexCopy( [ ...[ paths ], dest ], { enlist, exclude, remove, preserve, flat, removeEmpty, test } )// Returns a Promise with undefined.


import { regexCopy } from "regex-copy";
regexCopy( [ "C:/Users/Isitea/AppData/Local/Temp", "C:/Users/Default/AppData/Local/Temp", "C:/Temp" ], { exclude: [ /.+/, "**/*" ], remove: [ "**/*.tmp" ], preserve: [ "**/*" ], test: true } );

As an es-module for Deno

import { regexCopy } from "";


Name Type Required Default Description
path string Yes N/A Source files or folder. It can be expressed with a glob pattern
dest string Yes N/A Destination folder path
options.enlist Array<RegExp,string> No [] Regular expression / glob pattern that determines which files to copy
options.exclude Array<RegExp,string> No [] Regular expression / glob pattern that determines which files to copy
options.remove Array<RegExp,string> No [] Regular expression / glob pattern that determines which files to copy
options.preserve Array<RegExp,string> No [] Regular expression / glob pattern that determines which files to copy
options.flat number No 1 Determines uncovering folder level.
options.removeEmpty boolean No true Whether to remove empty source folder after remove
options.test boolean No false Whether to test targets. If this flag set as true, no file system action will be performed