
A lightweight implementation of the Redis full-text search indexing pattern. This is useful if you're using a managed Redis instance with no access to Redis modules (ie: AWS Elasticache, DO managed database droplet, etc.) so RedisSearch isn't available.


const fts = await FTS.get(
    hostname: "",
    port: 6379,
    name: "example",
    stemmer: "porter",
    stopwords: "english",

await Promise.all(
      id: "1",
      text: "A document can be as short or as long as it needs to be.",
      id: "2",
      text: "It will be stemmed and indexed.",
      id: "3",
        "The search engine will search for the word 'document' and return the document.",
      id: "4",
      text: "The results will be sorted by relevance.",
      id: "5",
      text: "All of this is done without any configuration.",
      id: "6",
      text: "Only using Redis sorted sets.",
  ].map((doc) => fts.add(, doc.text)),

const results = await"document");

/** [
 *    {
 *      content: "A document can be as short or as long as it needs to be.",
 *      id: "1",
 *      score: 0.3333333333333333,
 *    },
 *    {
 *      content:
 *        "The search engine will search for the word 'document' and return the document.",
 *      id: "3",
 *      score: 0.25,
 *    },
 *  ],

Stemmer and stopwords

redis-fts uses a Snowball port for stemming. It expects a selection of the correct stemmer to use, falling back on using the Porter stemmer if none was specified. You can also specify which stopwords list to use (you can see the full list in here.


redis-fts is copyright (c) 2022 Claudiu Ceia, and is licensed under the MIT license: see the associated "LICENSE" for the full text.

The stopwords-iso list is copyright (c) 2020 Gene Diaz, and is licensed under the MIT license: see the associated "LICENSE" for the full text.