Recipe Scraper

A simple scaraper made for scraping recipes but not limited to such.


Use puppeteer to crawl using an actual browser and have events that inform of the status of the call.


The way to configure a crawler.

  • crawl
    • startUrl where the crawl should start
    • linkExtractors array
      • linkExtraction css selector for links to follow
      • shouldExtract function taking the page url deciding if to use this extractor or not
    • detailExtractor
      • details key value map key is key of data extarcted and the value is a css selector to get the text to be extracted by that key
      • shouldExtract takes the page url and decides if to extract data or not


  • data fires witha record of data extracted.
  • start fires when crawl starts with start url and the date
  • crawled fires with the url of the crawled page
  • info tag and message, just misscelaneous info
  • error fires when something unexpected happens
  • finnish fires at the end with all crawled urls and the date finished