Rakuten API Client

Rakuten API Client for Deno

deno compatibility deno module Test

Warning This project is currently in beta. There might still be breaking changes. Please be careful to use this.

Supported Endpoints

  • Ichiba
  • Books
    • Total
    • Book
    • CD
    • BooksDVD
    • ForeignBook
    • Magazine
    • Game
    • Software
    • Genre
  • Travel
  • Recipe
  • Kobo
  • GORA


First you have to get Application ID from here for free.


import { RakutenAPI, RakutenEnv } from "https://deno.land/x/rakuten/mod.ts"

const client = new RakutenAPI(RakutenEnv.APP_ID!) // RakutenEnv.APP_ID loads RAKUTENN_APP_ID. Or you can pass your app id directly

const res = await client.Books().Total().get({
    keyword: "TypeScript",
    hits: 3,

assertEquals(res.Items.length, 3)

console.log(res.Items.map((i) => i.title)) // response type supported

// Output sample:
// [
//   "プロを目指す人のためのTypeScript入門 安全なコードの書き方から高度な型の使い方まで",
//   "TypeScriptとReact/Next.jsでつくる実践Webアプリケーション開発",
//   "プログラミングTypeScript"
// ]