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Fast, lightweight and simple Redis client library for Deno.



Must be run with --allow-net permission. Check out the full documentation here.


import { sendCommand } from "https://deno.land/x/r2d2/mod.ts";

const redisConn = await Deno.connect({ port: 6379 });

// Returns "OK"
await sendCommand(redisConn, ["SET", "hello", "world"]);

// Returns "world"
await sendCommand(redisConn, ["GET", "hello"]);

If you don't care about the reply:

import { writeCommand } from "https://deno.land/x/r2d2/mod.ts";

const redisConn = await Deno.connect({ port: 6379 });

// Returns nothing
await writeCommand(redisConn, ["SHUTDOWN"]);


import { sendCommand } from "https://deno.land/x/r2d2/mod.ts";

const redisConn = await Deno.connect({ port: 6379 });

// Switch to RESP3 protocol
await sendCommand(redisConn, ["HELLO", 3]);

// Returns 2
await sendCommand(redisConn, ["HSET", "hash3", "foo", 1, "bar", 2]);

// Returns { foo: "1", bar: "2" }
await sendCommand(redisConn, ["HGETALL", "hash3"]);

Raw data

Set the last argument, raw, to true and bulk string replies will return raw data instead of strings.

import { sendCommand } from "https://deno.land/x/r2d2/mod.ts";

const redisConn = await Deno.connect({ port: 6379 });

const data = new Uint8Array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]);

// Returns "OK"
await sendCommand(redisConn, ["SET", "binary", data]);

// Returns same value as `data` variable
await sendCommand(redisConn, ["GET", "binary"], true);


import { pipelineCommands } from "https://deno.land/x/r2d2/mod.ts";

const redisConn = await Deno.connect({ port: 6379 });

// Returns [1, 2, 3, 4]
await pipelineCommands(redisConn, [
  ["INCR", "X"],
  ["INCR", "X"],
  ["INCR", "X"],
  ["INCR", "X"],


import { readReplies, writeCommand } from "https://deno.land/x/r2d2/mod.ts";

const redisConn = await Deno.connect({ port: 6379 });

await writeCommand(redisConn, ["SUBSCRIBE", "mychannel"]);
for await (const reply of readReplies(redisConn)) {
  // Prints ["subscribe", "mychannel", 1] first iteration


import { sendCommand } from "https://deno.land/x/r2d2/mod.ts";

const redisConn = await Deno.connect({ port: 6379 });

// Returns "OK"
await sendCommand(redisConn, ["MULTI"]);

// Returns "QUEUED"
await sendCommand(redisConn, ["INCR", "FOO"]);

// Returns "QUEUED"
await sendCommand(redisConn, ["INCR", "FOO"]);

// Returns [1, 1]
await sendCommand(redisConn, ["EXEC"]);

Eval Scripts

import { sendCommand } from "https://deno.land/x/r2d2/mod.ts";

const redisConn = await Deno.connect({ port: 6379 });

// Returns "hello"
await sendCommand(redisConn, ["EVAL", "return ARGV[1]", 0, "hello"]);

Lua Scripts

import { sendCommand } from "https://deno.land/x/r2d2/mod.ts";

const redisConn = await Deno.connect({ port: 6379 });

// Returns "mylib"
await sendCommand(redisConn, [
  "#!lua name=mylib\nredis.register_function('knockknock', function() return 'Who\\'s there?' end)",

// Returns "Who's there?"
await sendCommand(redisConn, ["FCALL", "knockknock", 0]);


import { deadline } from "https://deno.land/std/async/mod.ts";
import { sendCommand } from "https://deno.land/x/r2d2/mod.ts";

const redisConn = await Deno.connect({ port: 6379 });

// Rejects if the command takes longer than 100 ms
await deadline(sendCommand(redisConn, ["SLOWLOG", "GET"]), 100);


Before submitting a pull request, please run:

  1. deno fmt
  2. deno lint
  3. deno task redis:start && deno task test and ensure all tests pass
  4. deno task redis:start && deno task bench and ensure performance hasn't degraded

Note: Redis must be installed on your local machine. For installation instructions, see here.


Data recorded on November 28, 2022.


cpu: Apple M2
runtime: deno 1.28.2 (aarch64-apple-darwin)

benchmark        time (avg)             (min … max)       p75       p99      p995
--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
r2d2         170.47 µs/iter   (107.92 µs … 6.07 ms) 173.17 µs 318.12 µs 367.29 µs
deno-redis   240.34 µs/iter   (185.54 µs … 6.59 ms) 237.92 µs 467.83 µs 664.17 µs
npm:ioredis  350.36 µs/iter   (204.17 µs … 3.89 ms) 263.46 µs    3.2 ms   3.39 ms
npm:redis    495.44 µs/iter    (304.83 µs … 4.1 ms) 372.17 µs   3.34 ms   3.65 ms

   1.41x faster than deno-redis
   2.06x faster than npm:ioredis
   2.91x faster than npm:redis

Node: Results were produced using deno task redis:start && deno task bench.


Module Size (KB) Dependencies
r2d2 17.24 2
deno-redis 187.76 25
npm:ioredis 890.96 10
npm:redis 891.60 9

Note: Results were produced using deno info <module>