quox (/quarks/)

More than just Electron.

Simple. Speedy. Small. Secure.

quox lets you write TSX, and render it to a native application window on any OS. Without a build step.

Built on top of Deno, servo, WebGPU, FFI. Free and open-source.

quox is not anywhere close to being ready, not even as a hello world example. Until then, imagine this:

// main.tsx
import { renderToWindow } from "https://quox.dev/mod.ts";

await renderToWindow(<h1>Hello, world!</h1>);


deno run --allow-ffi main.tsx

will open a native window on your machine with "Hello, world!" rendered to it.

This will enable:

  • deno run -A https://example.com/main.tsx runs a native desktop app without installation
  • deno install -A https://example.com/main.tsx installs a native desktop app
  • deno compile creates standalone binaries of your app for Linux/Windows/Mac
  • deno run --unstable-hmr main.tsx lets you develop your app with hot module replacement

It has a lot of nice benefits:

  • a single JS context for your entire app
  • access to the web stack (all of npm)
  • fully cross-platform
  • built-in security
  • pure Deno tooling lets you iterate at ludicrous speeds
  • automatic deduplication of quox in the Deno cache (tiny on disk)
  • full system access via Deno