Quasar Task Runner (QTR)

A flexible task runner that lets you write common tasks in TypeScript using Deno.

QTR allows one to run shell tasks or use Deno's built in functionality, Deno's std library, npm modules (that currently run in deno), or other deno/es 6 modules.

Deno will allow anyone to share tasks through es6 modules which can be imported just by using the import keyword or function.

QTR provides built in functionality to make it easier to script tasks by providing objects for fs (file system), os (operating system), path, env (for environment variables and the path variable), and ps (process). All importable from the https://deno.land/x/qtr@{VERSION}/mod.ts file.

Sample Task File

The task runner looks for a ./quasar_tasks.ts or a ./.quasar/tasks.ts file.

The use case for the .quasar folder is to allow a separate folder to setup Deno within a tool like vscode where the deno extension works best in a single folder or to group all related files in a single folder.

import { 
} from "https://deno.land/x/qtr@{VERSION}/mod.ts";

const cwd = path.dirname(path.fromFileUrl(import.meta.url))
const sln = `${cwd}/project.sln`

task("hello", () => {
    console.log("hello world");

task("dotnet:restore", async () => {
    const o = await ps.run("dotnet", "restore", sln);
    // see the PsOutput object

task("dotnet:build", ["dotnet:restore"], async () => {
    const o = await ps.run("dotnet", "build", sln, "-c", "Release")

    id: "echo",
    name: "echo =)",
    description: "runs the echo command",
    skip: true, // skips running this task
    run: async function() {
       if(os.isWindows) {
            const o = await scriptRunner.runScript("pwsh", "echo 'hello'");
            o.throwOrContinue(); // throws when the exit code is not 0
       } else {
            const o = await ps.capture("echo", "'hello'");

// runs an inline powershell script calling pwsh.exe
// bash, sh, pwsh, and powershell are currently supported.

// first parameter is the id of the task.
// second is the name of the shell
// third is the inline script 
shellTask("print:json", "pwsh", ```
$content = Get-Content "global.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

Write-Host $content


shellTaskFile("run:script", "bash", "path/to/script.sh");

task("default", ["hello"]);

// if this is provided, then this script can be run with
// deno using the following command, but this part will be
// skipped if its called using qtr or is called by another script.

// deno run -A --unstable ./path/to/tasks.ts [...TASK] [OPTIONS]
// e.g. deno run -A --unstable ./path/to/tasks.ts hello
if (import.meta.main) {
    const exitCode = await parseAndRun(Deno.args);

Sample Cli Usage

Run the default task


Run a specific task and all task dependencies

# runs the build taks
qtr build

Run a specific task and skip all dependencies

# runs the build taks
qtr build --skip-deps

Run multiple tasks

qtr build test


qtr --help

List tasks

qtr --list


Everything is MIT unless otherwise noted in a file.