
Python-like utilities for JS-like programs.


Currently Deno's third party modules service is the preferred way of using these utilities:

import { all } from "jsr:@summer/builtins";
console.log(all(["a", "b", "c"]));
// true


Any help would be greatly appreciated, either in filling out documentation, or adding more utilities.


The toolz directory references the API, code, documentation, algorithms, others of the toolz Python library, which is licensed under a BSD 3-Clause license. The text of the license is duplicated to the toolz.LICENSE file.

The builtins, itertools, and functools directories references the API, code, documentation, algorithms, others of Python, which is licensed under the PSF License Agreement. The text of the license is duplicated to the python.LICENSE file.

Everything else (Original code, others) is licensed under the Unlicense. The text of the license is duplicated to the UNLICENSE file.




  • all()
  • any()
  • range()


  • abs()
  • enumerate()
  • filter()
  • iter()
  • len()
  • map()
  • max()
  • min()
  • reversed()
  • sorted()
  • zip()

Low priority / Not applicable

aiter(), anext(), ascii(), bin(), bool(), breakpoint(), bytearray(), bytes(), callable(), chr(), classmethod(), compile(), complex(), delattr(), dict(), dir(), divmod(), eval(), exec(), float(), format(), frozenset(), getattr(), globals(), hasattr(), hash(), help(), hex(), id(), __import__(), input(), int(), isinstance(), issubclass(), list(), locals(), memoryview(), next(), object(), oct(), open(), ord(), pow(), print(), property(), repr(), round(), set(), setattr(), slice(), staticmethod(), str(), sum(), super(), tuple(), type(), vars()



  • count()
  • cycle()


  • repeat()
  • accumulate()
  • batched()
  • chain()
  • chain.from_iterable()
  • compress()
  • dropwhile()
  • filterfalse()
  • groupby()
  • islice()
  • pairwise()
  • starmap()
  • takewhile()
  • tee()
  • zip_longest()
  • product()
  • permutations()
  • combinations()
  • combinations_with_replacement()