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pwchecker is a simple password checker. It provides a password policy check, for instance length of password, minimum number of digits etc. The entropy of the password can be determined and classifies the password strength from "very weak" (score: 1) to "very strong" (score 5).


The pwchecker module exports the function password_strength which will return a result dictionary with the following keys:

  • entropy: # bits
  • score: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] where 1 means "very weak" and 5 means "very strong"
  • text: [ "very weak", "weak", "reasonable", "strong", "very strong" ] where a password is classified as "very strong" if its entropy is at least 128 bits
  • cracktime: how long it will take to get the password via bruteforce


import { password_strength } from "./mod.ts";

var password: string = "jelly22Fi$h";

var output = {
    entropy: password_strength(password).entropy,
    cracktime: password_strength(password).cracktime,
    score: password_strength(password).score,
    text: password_strength(password).text

│   (idx)   │      Values       │
│  entropy  │ 72.10047736845401 │
│ cracktime │    "centuries"    │
│   score   │         4         │
│   text    │     "strong"      │

Policy Check

The module contains the class PasswordPolicy that defined some check properties.


const pwpolicy = new PasswordPolicy();

var policyResult = pwpolicy.password_policy_compliance("123456");

The policyResult contains for example:

    hasMinLen: false,
    hasMinUppercase: false,
    hasMinLowercase: false,
    hasMinSpecialChars: false,
    hasMinDigits: true

The password policies in PasswordPolicy can be overwritten to fit the security requirements for a password. The default values are:

pwpolicy.minLen = 10;
pwpolicy.minUppercase = 1;
pwpolicy.minLowercase = 1;
pwpolicy.minSpecialChars = 1;
pwpolicy.minDigits = 1;