
This is a tool designed to make stateful and pure server code. It supports return JSON or JSX to make rest or HTML servers.

The key concepts


Handlers are provided to handle requests. They should be completely pure.


This is the main focus of this library. The state should be a type that is declared when creating a server. This is then provided for each request in a readonly fashion and a partial of it should be returned at the end processing.


import CreateServer, { Provider, PureRequest, Readify } from "https://deno.land/x/puristee@VERSION/mod.ts";

type State = {
  data: string;

// Loaded on first setup
const InitialState: State = { data: "hello" };

// The state can be accessed directly in the handler but common functions can be added here
class StateProvider extends Provider<State> {
  public get Hello() {
    return this.State.data;

const Server = CreateServer("./data", InitialState, StateProvider);

// Type anotations are not required
Server.CreateHandler("/hello", "GET")
    (request: PureRequest, s: Readify<State>, p: StateProvider, c: unknown) => {
      return {
        response: { status: 200, body: { message: s.data } }

Server.CreateHandler("/hello", "PUT")
    (request: PureRequest, s: Readify<State>, p: StateProvider, c: unknown) => {
      return {
        response: { status: 200, body: { message: s.data } },
        state: { data: "world" }