Protocol Buffer Reader/Writer

This is a simple implementation of a Reader and a Writer for sending and receiving Protocol Buffers.

In this version, it works with Uint8Arrays and Longs (from Future versions may add BigInt support.


This is designed to help users of ts-proto.

If you us this plugin to generate code, you'll see that it relies on protobufjs, which doesn't work great with Deno.

This module provides a Writer and Reader which do work with Deno.

Using this module with ts-proto

First, generate your code with protoc. Be sure to include this --ts_proto_opt=forceLong=long option, to use the long module. You also need --ts_proto_opt=esModuleInterop=true so that Long is imported correctly.

Create a directory called protobufjs and create a file called minimal.ts that looks like this:

// deno-lint-ignore-file no-namespace
import _Long from "long";
import * as protobuf from "protobuf_ts";

namespace _m0 {
  export const Reader = protobuf.Reader;
  export const Writer = protobuf.Writer;
  export type Reader = protobuf.Reader;
  export type Writer = protobuf.Writer;

  export const Long = _Long;

  export const util = { Long };

  export const configure = () => {};

export default _m0;

It's not pretty, but it's the only way I have found to get it working.

Update your import map to include these:

    "long": "",
    "protobufjs/": "./protobufjs/",
    "protobuf_ts": "",

Now, you should be good to go!

## Restrictions and Limitations

- Wire Types 3 (`SGROUP`) and 4 (`EGROUP`) are not currently supported.
- `proto2` is not explicitly supported.
- Testing does not yet cover 100% of use cases (pull requests are welcome!)