
Abstractions for running processes in Deno.

This is still very early. Things are going to change. A lot. Functionality is limited. The API is unstable.

Deno has all the right parts for working with processes, but I really want something that is a better version of what I get in bash scripts. I want stdin and stdout pipes, decent default error handling, and minimal need to manually close things. I want all this to work with a fluent API.


deno doc -q

stdout from a process as lines

for await (const line of run({ cmd: ["ls", "-la"] }).stdoutLines()) {

pipe stdout to stdin

const fileCount = await first(
  run({ cmd: ["ls", "-1"] })
    .pipe(run({ cmd: ["wc", "-l"] }))
  `Total number of files and folders in ${resolve(".")} is ${
    parseInt(fileCount!, 10)