Priority Event Emitter

A simple event emitter inspired from WordPress hook system with fully type support for TypeScript.

Why this?

  • Simple, just a single file
    • No dependency/library at all
    • So simple that you can compile it to browser script with no trouble. (maybe :?)
  • Support priority like WordPress
  • Support TypeScript

How to use

super easy barely an inconvenience

// ./deno.jsonc
   "compilerOptions": {
      "types": ["./types.d.ts"]
// ./types.d.ts
declare global {
   interface PriorityEventMap {
      'deno/load': Event
      'deno/beforeunload': Event
      'deno/unload': Event
      'deno/unhandledrejection': PromiseRejectionEvent
      'deno/rejectionhandled': PromiseRejectionEvent
export {}
// ./main.ts
import { apply, filter, off, on } from ''

   (e) => console.log(`This listener will be fired once ${e.type} event gets emitted`),

   (e) => apply('deno/load', e),

More reference in examples/


To copy repo from Gitlab to Github, after clone, run this command:

git config --local core.hooksPath .repo/


  • "super easy barely an inconvenience" meme is proverbial catchphrase made by comedian Ryan George, learn more.