codeup - A Portable VSCode Manager

A CLI tool by @codemonument named "codeup" to manage Portable VSCode installations (currently for windows only)

Language: Typescript Run via: deno / as portable cli Command (currently): codeup.exe

Available at:

How to use

  1. Install the package from as cli codeup:
    deno install --allow-read --allow-write --allow-net --allow-run --allow-env --name codeup
  2. Enjoy codeup command! (Run codeup help to get usage information)
  3. Optional: You can change the command to anything you like by simply passing another --name instead of codeup

VSCode install location detection

  • Auto-detect vscode install for updating:
    1. Search --installLocation option passed to the executable (currently only available for the 'update' command)
    2. Search in current working dir for a vscode install
    3. Search in env var VSCODE_INSTALL and update the vscode install found at that location

Repo Structure

  • src - contains ts source files
  • main.ts - contains the main entrypoint for this script
  • playground - the current working directory for trying this script

VSCode Download API

The vscode update api at seems broken for some time now. Therefore the vscode zip will be downloaded from the following url:

Additional info

Original Stack overflow issue:

Usage in VSCode (probably update routine):

available versions of vscode: