codeup - A Portable VSCode Manager

A CLI tool by @codemonument named "codeup" to manage Portable VSCode installations (currently for windows only)

Language: Typescript Run via: deno / as portable cli Command (currently): codeup.exe

Available at:

How to use

  1. Install the package from as cli codeup:
    deno install --allow-read --allow-write --allow-net --allow-run --allow-env --name codeup
  2. Enjoy codeup command! (Run coudeup help to get usage information)
  3. Optional: You can change the command to anything you like by simply passing another --name instead of codeup

Repo Structure

  • src - contains ts source files
  • main.ts - contains the main entrypoint for this script
  • playground - the current working directory for trying this script

VSCode Update API

The update api for vscode has the following endpoints (inclomplete):

Additional info

Original Stack overflow issue:

Usage in VSCode (probably update routine):

available versions of vscode:


  • Auto-detect vscode install for updating:
    1. Search arguments passed to the executable
    2. Search in current working dir
    3. Add an env var VSCODE_INSTALL reading and update the install found at that location