

FlakeHub built with nix deno module deno compatibility flakestry.dev

Pocketenv is a simple and lightweight tool to manage development workspace environments. It allows you to define and manage workspaces for your projects, and easily switch between them.



  • Pocketenv Workspaces are just Docker Containers with some preinstalled tools, volumes, and vscode tunnel as an entry point.
  • Pocketenv Templates are just Github Repositories with terraform files to create a new workspace.

[!IMPORTANT] Pocketenv is still in development and not ready for production use.

🚚 Installation

With Bash:

curl -fsSL https://cli.pocketenv.io | bash

With Homebrew (macOS/Linux):

brew install pocketenv-io/tap/pocketenv

With Deno:

deno install -A -r https://cli.pocketenv.io -n pocketenv

With Nix:

nix profile install --experimental-features "nix-command flakes" github:pocketenv-io/pocketenv

Or download the binary from the releases page and add it to your PATH.


  • Quickly create a new workspace with pocketenv init and pocketenv up command.
  • Destroy it with pocketenv down command.
  • List all workspaces with pocketenv list command.
  • Start a shell in a workspace with pocketenv shell command.

🚀 Usage

pocketenv --help

Usage:   pocketenv
Version: 0.1.2    


       ____             __        __                                     
      / __ \____  _____/ /_____  / /____  ____ _   __                    
     / /_/ / __ \/ ___/ //_/ _ \/ __/ _ \/ __ \ | / /                    
    / ____/ /_/ / /__/ ,< /  __/ /_/  __/ / / / |/ /                     
   /_/    \____/\___/_/|_|\___/\__/\___/_/ /_/|___/                      
    https://pocketenv.io - Manage your development environment with ease.


  -h, --help     - Show this help.                            
  -V, --version  - Show the version number for this program.  


  init   [name]       - Generate a new Pocketenv workspace      
  up     [workspace]  - Start the Pocketenv workspace           
  down   [workspace]  - Stop the Pocketenv workspace            
  list                - List all Pocketenv workspaces           
  shell  [workspace]  - Start a shell in the Pocketenv workspace