
Plugin architecture example with full TypeScript support

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The goal of this repository is to provide a template of a simple plugin Architecture which allows plugins to created and authored as separate npm modules and shared as official or 3rd party plugins.


Try it in TypeScript's playground editor

import { Base } from "javascript-plugin-architecture-with-typescript-definitions";

function myFooPlugin(instance: Base) {
  return {
    foo: () => "foo",

function myBarPlugin(instance: Base) {
  return {
    bar: () => "bar",

const FooTest = Base.plugin(myFooPlugin);
const fooTest = new FooTest();; // has full TypeScript intellisense

const FooBarTest = Base.plugin(myFooPlugin, myBarPlugin);
const fooBarTest = new FooBarTest();; // has full TypeScript intellisense; // has full TypeScript intellisense

The constructor accepts an optional options object which is passed to the plugins as second argument and stored in instance.options. Default options can be set using Base.defaults(options)

const BaseWithOptions = Base.defaults({ foo: "bar" });
const instance = new BaseWithOptions();
instance.options; // {foo: 'bar'}


TypeScript will not complain when chaining .defaults() calls endlessly: the static .defaultOptions property will be set correctly. However, when instantiating from a class with 4+ chained .defaults() calls, then only the defaults from the first 3 calls are supported. See #57 for details.


This plugin architecture was extracted from @octokit/core. The implementation was made possible by help from @karol-majewski, @dragomirtitian, and StackOverflow user "hackape".