
[!CAUTION] This project is under heavy development and is not ready for production use. Please, do not use it yet.


Minimalistic HTTP framework for Deno



Planigale is available on both and JSR. For use the following import:

import { Planigale } from "";

For JSR use the following import:

import { Planigale } from "jsr:@codecat/planigale";

or add it to your import maps:

deno add @codecat/planigale


[!CAUTION] Node compatibility is not yet implemented.

Planigale is also available on NPM. To use it, you need to install it first:

npm install planigale

Then you can import it in your project:

import { Planigale } from "planigale";

Basic example

import { Planigale } from "@codecat/planigale";

const app = new Planigale();

// Simple logging middleware
app.use(async (req, res) => {
    const ts = new Date().toISOString();
    const log = ts+ ": "+ req.method + " " + req.url;

  method: "GET",
  url: "/users/:id",
  handler: async (req, res) => {
    const id =;
    res.send({ id });

app.serve({port: 8000});

Defining routes

Routes are meant to produce a response to a particular request. They are defined by the route method of the app object. The method takes an object with the following properties:

  method: string,
  url: string,
  description?: string,
  tags?: string[],
  schema?: object,
  handler: (req: Request, res: Response) => void,

Validation support

Planigale supports validation of request body and query parameters using ajv library. ajv is not native to Deno, so this can change in the future. For validation json schema is used.

  method: "GET",
  url: "/users/:id",
  schema: {
    params: {
      type: "object",
      required: ["id"],
      properties: {
        id: { type: "number" },
    headers: {
      type: "object",
      required: ["authorization"],
      properties: {
        authorization: { type: "string", pattern: "Bearer .+" },
  handler: async (req, res) => {
    const id =;
    res.send({ id });

const request: Request = new Request("http://localhost:3000/users/invalid_id", {
  method: "GET",
  headers: {
    authorization: "invalid_token",

const response: Response = await app.handle(request);

assertEquals(response.status, 400);
assertEquals(await response.json(), [
      block: "params",
      instancePath: "/id",
      keyword: "type",
      message: "must be number",
      params: {
        type: "number",
      schemaPath: "#/properties/id/type",
      block: "headers",
      instancePath: "/authorization",
      keyword: "pattern",
      message: 'must match pattern "[Bb]earer .*"',
      params: {
        pattern: "[Bb]earer .*",
      schemaPath: "#/properties/authorization/pattern",


Middleware is a function that has access to the request object, the response object, and the next middleware function in the application’s request-response cycle. The next middleware function is commonly denoted by a variable named next.

app.use(async (req, res, next) => {
    await next();

## Automatic docs generation

Planigale can generate OpenAPI 3.0 documentation for your API. Just add `docs` method to your app and visit `/docs` endpoint.

```typescript'/docs', { enabled: Deno.env.get("LOCAL_ENV") === "true" })

Injecting dependencies



Unit testing

Planigale is designed to be easily testable. You can test your handlers without running the server.

import { Planigale } from "@codecat/planigale";
import { assertEquals } from "";

const app = new Planigale();

const route = app.route({
  method: "GET",
  url: "/users/:id",
  handler: async (req, res) => {
    const id =;
    const id =;
    res.send({ id, name });

Deno.test("Chaking endpoints output", async () => {
    const req = new Req("/users/1", {method: "GET", state: {user: {name: "John"}}});
    const res = new Res();
    await route.handler(req, res);
    assertEquals(res.status, 200);
    assertEquals(res.body, { id: "1", name: "john" });

Module testing

Whole app can be easlily tested using just one function that take Request object as an argument and return Response object.

import { Planigale } from "";
import { assertEquals } from "";

const app = new Planigale();

  method: "GET",
  url: "/users/:id",
  handler: async (req, res) => {
    const id =;
    res.send({ id });

Deno.test("Chaking endpoints output", async () => {
    const request: Request = new Request("http://localhost:3000/users/1", {
      method: "GET",

    const response: Response = await app.handle(request);

    assertEquals(response.status, 200);
    assertEquals(await response.json(), { id: "1" });

Integration testing

Deno.test("Chaking full app", async (t) => {
    const app = new Planigale();

      method: "GET",
      url: "/users/:id",
      handler: async (req, res) => {
        const id =;
        res.send({ id });

    t.step("start up", async () => {
        await app.serve(3000);

    t.step("GET /users/1", async () => {
        const request: Request = new Request("http://localhost:3000/users/1", {
          method: "GET",

        const response: Response = await fetch(request);

        assertEquals(response.status, 200);
        assertEquals(await response.json(), { id: "1" });

    t.step("tear down", async () => {
        await app.close();


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Make your changes and add tests
  4. Run tests: deno task test
  5. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'feat: add some feature' // use conventional commits
  6. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  7. Submit a pull request :D


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2024 Mateusz Russak