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Automatically create complete pipelines for your project

Say goodbye to YAML!

Pipelinit detects the stack of your project and automatically creates a fully working pipeline configuration for multiple continous integration (CI) platforms (currently supporting GitHub Actions).

Start by using the Pipelinit Playgroud right on your browser! 🚀

How to install

Using a Docker image

Run the command below inside a checkout of your project's source code:

docker run -it -v $(pwd):/app

Using package managers

Homebrew (macOS):

brew tap pipelinit/pipelinit-cli
brew install pipelinit/pipelinit-cli

Support for more package managers needed!

Manual download

Download one of the executables from the Releases page and add the binary into your PATH.

We provide binaries for Linux, Windows and Mac.

How to use

Just run pipelinit on the root of your project's source code and follow the instructions:



You can see the generated pipelines that ran, through our sample projects for the following stacks:

Supported stacks overview

Pipelinit Support Matrix
Stack Stage GitHub Actions GitLab CI
CSS Format ✔️ Coming soon
Lint ✔️
Docker Build ✔️
Lint ✔️
HTML Format ✔️
Lint ✔️
Java Build (Gradle) ✔️
JavaScript / Typescript Format ✔️
Lint ✔️
Test ✔️
Python Format ✔️
Lint ✔️
Test ✔️
Shell script Lint ✔️

To see details about which tools are used read the Detailed stack support, to learn more about the stages read Stages.

How it works

When you run Pipelinit in the root of a software project:

  1. It checks what kind of files exists there to detect the stacks.
  2. It collects more detailed data about each stack.
  3. It uses that data to build the CI configuration files.

Developing and contributing

We love contributions and our Contributing Guide is the best place to start!

Building and installing from source code