pinyin for Han (汉字)

Convert Han to pinyin. useful for phonetic notation, sorting, and searching.

Note: This module support Deno.
Dependency and Inspired by: pinyin


  • Segmentation for heteronym words.
  • Support Traditional and Simplified Chinese.
  • Support multiple pinyin style.


via Deno:

$ deno install --name=pinyin


for cli:

$ pinyin 中心
zhōng xīn
$ pinyin
### showing help ###

for developer:

import pinyin from "";

console.log(pinyin("中心"));    // [ [ 'zhōng' ], [ 'xīn' ] ]
console.log(pinyin("中心", {
  heteronym: true                // Enable heteronym mode.
}));                            // [ [ 'zhōng', 'zhòng' ], [ 'xīn' ] ]
console.log(pinyin("中心", {
  heteronym: true,              // Enable heteronym mode.
  segment: true                 // Enable Chinese words segmentation, fix most heteronym problem.
}));                            // [ [ 'zhōng' ], [ 'xīn' ] ]
console.log(pinyin("我喜欢你", {
  segment: true,                // Enable segmentation. Needed for grouping.
  group: true                   // Group pinyin segments
}));                            // [ [ 'wǒ' ], [ 'xǐhuān' ], [ 'nǐ' ] ]
console.log(pinyin("中心", {
  style: pinyin.STYLE_INITIALS, // Setting pinyin style.
  heteronym: true
}));                            // [ [ 'zh' ], [ 'x' ] ]


<Array> pinyin(words[, options])

Convert Han (汉字) to pinyin.

options argument is optional, for sepcify heteronym mode and pinyin styles.

Return a Array<Array<String>>. If one of Han is heteronym word, it would be have multiple pinyin.

Number, b)

Default compare implementation for pinyin.


<Boolean> options.segment

Enable Chinese word segmentation. Segmentation is helpful for fix heteronym problem, but performance will be more slow, and need more CPU and memory.

Default is false.

<Boolean> options.heteronym

Enable or disable heteronym mode. default is disabled, false.


Specify pinyin style. please use static properties like STYLE_*. default is .STYLE_TONE. see Static Property for more.
