pgc4d - PostgreSQL client for Deno

release ci deno doc license

A full-featured PostgreSQL client for Deno including support for:

  • Connectivity using TCP, SSL* and Unix domain sockets*
  • Buffered and streaming responses
  • Various shapes of result sets (keyed rows, indexed rows, column, etc.)
  • Asynchronous notifications (using LISTEN and NOTIFY)
  • Arrays, record types and user-defined types (enums)
  • Concurrent queries (queueing)

Philosophical differences from deno-postgres:

  • Does not aim for API compatibility with Node's node-postgres
  • Uses only binary value encoding in client <> server communication
  • No magic detection of data types (is [1, 2, 3] an int[] or a json value?) - see bugs
  • Strict layering of protocol and logic layers - see the interface

(* currently requires --unstable in Deno)


import { connectPg } from ''

const db = await connectPg('postgres://username:password@hostname/database')
try {
    const result = await db.query('SELECT $1::int + $2::int sum', [10, 20])
    assertEquals(result.rows[0].sum, 30)
} finally {


API documentation



Happy to accept fixes and improvements.

  1. Please add tests for added functionality and ensure CI passes.
  2. Follow the prevalent coding style (no semicolons, no 80-char line limit, single quotes, etc.)

You can use Docker to bring up PostgreSQL and run the tests:

$ docker-compose run ci


Licensed under the MIT license.