
Pastebin Client for Deno/Node

This is a fork of pastebin-ts, which is updated to work with both Deno and Node


  • Create a new paste (with optional title, format, privacy and expiration)
  • Get a paste (raw)
  • Delete a paste
  • Get user info
  • Get user pastes


API Docs can be found on Deno Docs:


import { Pastebin, PrivacyLevel, ExpirationTime } from "";

// Create a new Pastebin instance
const pastebin = new Pastebin({
  api_dev_key: "<YOUR API DEV KEY>",
  api_user_name: "<YOUR USERNAME>",
  api_user_password: "<YOUR PASSWORD>",

// Create a new paste
const paste = await pastebin.createPaste({
    code: "console.log('Hello World!')",
    title: "Hello World",
    format: "javascript",
    privacy: PrivacyLevel.PRIVATE,
    expiration: ExpirationTime.ONE_DAY

// paste will contain the paste url

// Get the raw paste (either use the paste url or the paste id)
const raw = await pastebin.getPaste('');

// Get the raw private paste
const rawPrivate = await pastebin.getPaste('', true);

// Delete the paste
await pastebin.deletePaste('<paste id>');

// get user info



"Buy Me A Coffee"