Password Generator

A simpel command line utility for generating passwords.
The program is designed to be used in a terminal via manual user input or via a command line interface.


This program was created during an evening of four hours as part of a coding challenge called Projlett, which is a hackathon designed as a way to learn and improve programming skills and expand my knowledge of the TypeScript programming language and it's ecosystem.

In Projlett, you submit a small set of simpel ideas and concepts that you think are unique and that somebody else might be able to implement. In return, you get a random idea that you shall implement in the best way you possible can during a limited time. This is a great way to learn new things and to get a sense of how to implement something in a real world scenario.

CLI Installation

You can install the CLI tool by running the following command:

deno install -A -f -n pass

Or run it without installing it, using land:

land pass

CLI Usage

Manual User Input

Run the password generator through the interactive user interface by typing pass in the terminal.

> pass

║ Password Generator v1.2.0 ║
║    by @WilliamRagstad     ║

Use --help to see a list of available options.
Generate a new safe password with the following options:

> How long do you want your password to be? (8-128) 20
? Do you want numbers in your password? [Y/n] y
? Do you want special characters in your password? [Y/n] n

Password: FI1NqqVAtWsIsKpdS835

Command Line Interface

Or directly pass the options to the CLI tool to instantly generate a password. Type pass --help to see a list of available options.

> pass --help

║ Password Generator v1.2.0 ║
║    by @WilliamRagstad     ║

Usage: pass (options)

  --help, -h    Print this help message
  --version, -v Print the version number

  --length=[n], -l=[n]  Length of the password
  --numbers, -n Include numbers in the password.
  --specials, -s Include special characters in the password.
  --no-prefix, -p Do not print the prefix.

The example below will generate a password with a length of 20, numbers and special characters included, and no prefix.

> pass --length=20 --numbers --specials --no-prefix

Or use the short form of the options.

> pass -l=20 -n -s -p

Library Usage

The library is also designed to be used in a Deno environment. Not only as a command line utility. Import the password generator library and use it as follows:

import { generatePassword } from "";

const length = 20;
const numbers = true;
const specials = true;
const password = generatePassword(length, numbers, specials);
console.log(`Generated password: ${password}`);

View full documentation here.

Use with JavaScript

The library is bundled to a JavaScript file that can be used in a browser. Link to the script file using:

<script src=""></script>


This project is licensed under the MIT license.