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Smart and smooth Dynamic Pattern Parser And Tokenizer

Paradise Parser is a dynamic pattern parser with the ability to automatically detect the type of parameters and convert pattern to regular expressions that can be used in any type of trigger and other uses that are used without the need to write hard-to-read Regular expressions.

Paradise Tokenizer is also a tool for Tokenizing strings in multiple level with support of strings, regex and arrays.


  • Getting Started

    import { parse } from "";
  • Usage

    • parse raw string

      parse("signup"); // => "signup"
      // can match : signup
    • parse string parameter

      parse("@{username:string}"); // => /^@(?<username>.+)$/
      // can match : @disizali, @anyId
    • parse number parameter

      parse("/id_{id:number}"); // => /^id_(?<command>\d+>)$/
      // can match : /id_1, /id_50
    • parse selective parameters

      parse("{nature:'human'|'robot'|'alien'}"); // => /^(?<nature>human|robot|alien)$/
      // can match : /download_music1, /delete_music2
    • parse concatenated parameters

      parse("/{command}_music{id:number}"); // => \^/(?<command>.+)_music(?<id>\d+$)
      // can match : /download_music1, /delete_music2


  • Getting Started

    import { Tokenizer } from "";
  • Usage

    • string matcher Achieve characters that exactly match the defined string

      const tokenizer = new Tokenizer({
        main: {
          one: "1",
      tokenizer.tokenize("1"); // => [ { type: "one", value: "1" } ]
    • regex matcher Achieve characters that exactly match the defined RegExp

      import { Tokenizer } from "";
      const tokenizer = new Tokenizer({
        main: {
          digit: /\d/,
      tokenizer.tokenize("1"); // => [ { type: "digit", value: "1" } ]
    • array matcher Achieve characters that match any of defined strings

      import { Tokenizer } from "";
      const tokenizer = new Tokenizer({
        main: {
          triple: ["one", "two", "three"],
      tokenizer.tokenize("three"); // => [ { type: "triple", value: "three" } ]
    • options Matcher can be an object with some customizations

      import { Tokenizer } from "";
      const tokenizer = new Tokenizer({
        main: {
          digit: { match: /\d/ },
          underline: { match: "_", ignore: true },
      tokenizer.tokenize("1_2"); // => [ { type: "digit", value: "1" }, { type: "digit", value: "2" } ]
      import { Tokenizer } from "";
      const tokenizer = new Tokenizer({
        main: {
          vehicle: { match: "car", value: () => "airplane" },
      tokenizer.tokenize("car"); // => [ { type: "vehicle", value: "airplane" } ]
    • multi-state matcher states can be define in multiple levels and match with different set of rules

      import { Tokenizer } from "";
      const tokenizer = new Tokenizer({
        main: {
          startParam: { match: "{", push: "param", ignore: true },
        param: {
          identifier: /\w+/,
          endParam: { match: "}", pop: 1, ignore: true },
      tokenizer.tokenize("{username}"); // => [ { type: "identifier", value: "username" } ]