packup v0.0.2


Zero-config web application packager in Deno.

⚠️ This tool is still in its early development stage.


Install via

deno install --unstable --allow-read --allow-write=. --allow-run -fq

Write HTML and JavaScript:


  <script src="./index.js"></script>
  <h1>Hi from packup!</h1>


console.log("hello world");

packup has the development server builtin. Run the following command to start the server.

packup index.html

Then open http://localhost:1234/ in your browser.

0.1 roadmap

0.2.0 roadmap

  • --public-url
  • --open option
  • optimize (minify) option
  • css import support
  • image import support

1.0 roadmap

  • sourcemap support
  • scss support

Done items

  • Runs parcels original examples (with Deno specific stuff modification).
    • Doesn't work because it includes commonjs references which I don't want to support.
  • List asset sizes
  • Bundle javascript using esbuild
  • Bundle javascript using swc
  • deno run cli.ts [serve] index.html starts server at localhost port 1234, watch all dependencies, rebuild all assets when changed.
  • deno run cli.ts build index.html builds static assets to 'dist' directory.
  • Referenced scripts from <script> tags are bundled and served/built.
  • Stylesheets referenced from <link /> tags are just served/copied as is.

Prior art
