
Cookie-based sessions module for the Opine web framework.

(Unafilliated with Opine's maintainers.)


Import the module

import sessions from "https://deno.land/x/opine_sessions@2.0.0/mod.ts";


const app = opine();

Experimental async store

By default, this module will use x/sqlite to store data in an SQLite database. x/sqlite does db operations on the main thread - this is not ideal for web applications with large amounts of traffic.

This module ships with an experimental async store based on worker_sqlite that operates by wrapping x/sqlite in a Worker thread. You can use it by doing:

import sessions from "https://deno.land/x/opine_sessions@2.0.0/mod.ts";
const store = new sessions.AsyncSqliteStore();
await store.init(); // you MUST do this before using sessions

sessions.init(app, { store });

Other storage methods

Additionally, you can use a storage solution of your choice by passing an instance of a class that implements the Store interface.

import sessions from "https://deno.land/x/opine_sessions@2.0.0/mod.ts";
import { Store } from "https://deno.land/x/opine_sessions@2.0.0/mod.ts";

class CustomStore implements Store {
  /* implementation */

const store = new CustomStore();
sessions.init(app, { store });

Using sessions

Get a session object by calling getClient() and use its methods:

app.get("/", async (req, res) => {
  const session = await sessions.getClient(req, res);
  const name = await session.get<string>("name");
  await session.set("name", "shantaram");
  await session.delete("shantaram");

  await session.set("website", "shantaram.xyz");

For a more complete example, see the examples.


Copyright © 2022 Siddharth Singh, under the terms of the MIT License.