This module is used to manage user login with OIDC & Authentik

tested on version: 2022.8

How it's work

Step 1: init the module

Init the module with required var: (endpoint, client_id, client_secret, redirectUrl)

Name Type Description
endpoint string the base endpoint, for example https://auth.alice-snow.me
client_id string your app client id
client_secret string your app client secret
redirectUrl string the callback uri, for example https://myFamulousProject.amelia.lu/login/callback
import { OIDC } from "https://deno.land/x/oidc/mod.ts";
const myoidc = new OIDC("https://auth.alice-snow.me", MY_CLIENT_PUB, MY_CLIENT_PRIV, "https://myFamulousProject.amelia.lu/login/callback")

Step 2: (facultative) get your redirection url

You need: (scope, states)

Name Type Description
scope string the auth scope for the user, for example ["openid", "profile", "email"]
states string random string block security issue (keep blank if you want)
const redirectUrl = myoidc.generateAuthUrl(["openid", "profile", "email"], "aliceIsAPrincess") // "aliceIsAPrincess" is actualy a random string :D

redirect the user to this url to perform the authentication

Step 3: get the user infos

App is theoretically responding you after the authentication.

Format: /login/callback?code=HERE_THE_CODE&state=aliceIsAPrincess

call OIDC.authUser(code) to get back the data.

const userData = myoidc.authUser(HERE_THE_CODE)

Successfull response: 
    sucess: true,
    data: USER_DATA

USER_DATA example data: 
    "email": "snow.alice@pm.me",
    "email_verified": true,
    "name": "Alice",
    "given_name": "Alice",
    "family_name": "Snow",
    "preferred_username": "alice",
    "nickname": "alice",
    "groups": [
    "sub": "buyvaAB86B9A87A098908978VVGHVJHhvad"