
Octocat help you to organize the repositories!

Why this?

Well exists the ghq tool but is necessary add new functions to this amazing tool, and this make octorg:

Add this functions:

  • Remove repository
  • Github Template
  • Get the repo dir to cd!


deno install -A -f --no-check --unstable -n octorg --import-map=https://deno.land/x/octorg@1.0/import_map.json https://deno.land/x/octorg@1.0/cli.ts


  • Commands of octorg!


  • Get Command!

Get Octorg

  • Create Command!

Create Command

  • Delete command!

Delete Command

  • Info command!

Info Command

  • Cd Command!

Cd Command

  • List Command!

List command

Bugs by octorg?

Well I improve octorg with a issue bug report command you need run octorg info -i and open the browser with the issue page

Contribute to octorg

  1. Make a Fork to this repository
  2. Make a branch with the feature to add
  3. Setup the tools with this make cmd:
# Setup the formatter Linux and MacOS
make install-sh
# Setup the formatter Windows
make install-win
# Formatting
make fmt
  1. Use the conventional commits guide more information here
  2. Make a pull request with a explanation what you changes or features
  3. Review your pull request :shipit:
  4. Merge the pull request or request changes
  5. Done! :smiley:

Made with :heart: in Ecuador