
Numeral is a standard Deno module for formatting and manipulating numbers.

🔧 How to use

import { numeral } from '';

💡 Usage

🎀 Create

Create an instance of a numeral. Numeral takes numbers or strings that it trys to convert into a number.

const myNumeral = numeral(1000);

const value = myNumeral.value();
// 1000

const myNumeral2 = numeral('1,000');

const value2 = myNumeral2.value();
// 1000
Input Value
numeral(974) 974
numeral(0.12345) 0.12345
numeral('10,000.12') 10000.12
numeral('23rd') 23
numeral('$10,000.00') 10000
numeral('100B') 100
numeral('3.467TB') 3467000000000
numeral('-76%') -0.76
numeral('2:23:57') NaN

🎀 Format

Numbers can be formatted to look like currency, percentages, times, or even plain old numbers with decimal places, thousands, and abbreviations.

const string = numeral(1000).format('0,0');
// '1,000'


Number Format String
10000 '0,0.0000' 10,000.0000
10000.23 '0,0' 10,000
10000.23 '+0,0' +10,000
-10000 '0,0.0' -10,000.0
10000.1234 '0.000' 10000.123
100.1234 '00000' 00100
1000.1234 '000000,0' 001,000
10 '000.00' 010.00
10000.1234 '0[.]00000' 10000.12340
-10000 '(0,0.0000)' (10,000.0000)
-0.23 '.00' -.23
-0.23 '(.00)' (.23)
0.23 '0.00000' 0.23000
0.23 '0.0[0000]' 0.23
1230974 '0.0a' 1.2m
1460 '0 a' 1 k
-104000 '0a' -104k
1 '0o' 1st
100 '0o' 100th


Number Format String
1000.234 '$0,0.00' $1,000.23
1000.2 '0,0[.]00 $' 1,000.20 $
1001 '$ 0,0[.]00' $ 1,001
-1000.234 '($0,0)' ($1,000)
-1000.234 '$0.00' -$1000.23
1230974 '($ 0.00 a)' $ 1.23 m


Number Format String
100 '0b' 100B
1024 '0b' 1KB
2048 '0 ib' 2 KiB
3072 '0.0 b' 3.1 KB
7884486213 '0.00b' 7.88GB
3467479682787 '0.000 ib' 3.154 TiB


Number Format String
1 '0%' 100%
0.974878234 '0.000%' 97.488%
-0.43 '0 %' -43 %
0.43 '(0.000 %)' 43.000 %


Number Format String
25 '00:00:00' 0:00:25
238 '00:00:00' 0:03:58
63846 '00:00:00' 17:44:06


Number Format String
1123456789 '0,0e+0' 1e+9
12398734.202 '0.00e+0' 1.24e+7
0.000123987 '0.000e+0' 1.240e-4

🎀 Functions


The value is always available.

const number = numeral(1000);

const string = number.format('0,0');
// '1,000'

const value = number.value();
// 1000


Not that you will use these often, but they're there when you need them.

const number = numeral(1000);

const added = number.add(10);
// 1010
Before Function After
1000 .add(100) 1100
1100 .subtract(100) 1000
1000 .multiply(100) 100000
100000 .divide(100) 1000


Set the value of your numeral object.

const number = numeral();


const value = number.value();
// 1000


Find the difference between your numeral object and a value

const number = numeral(1000),
      value = 100;

const difference = number.difference(value);
// 900


Go ahead and clone any numeral object while you're at it.

const a = numeral(1000);
const b = numeral(a);
const c = a.clone();

const aVal = a.set(2000).value();
// 2000

const bVal = b.value();
// 1000

const cVal = c.add(10).value();
// 1010

🎀 Settings

Default Formatting

Set a default format so you can use .format() without a string. The default format to '0,0'

const number = numeral(1000);

// '1,000'


// '$1,000.00'

Custom Zero and Null Formatting

Set a custom output when formatting numerals with a value of 0 or null

const number = numeral(0);
const nullNumber = numeral(null);


const zero = number.format('0.0')
// 'N/A'

const na = nullNumber.format('0.0')
// 'N/A'

❗ Issues

If you think any of the Numeral can be improved, please do open a PR with any updates and submit any issues. Also, I will continue to improve this, so you might want to watch/star this repository to revisit.

💪 Contribution

We'd love to have your helping hand on contributions to Numeral by forking and sending a pull request!

Your contributions are heartily ♡ welcome, recognized and appreciated. (✿◠‿◠)

How to contribute:

  • Open pull request with improvements
  • Discuss ideas in issues
  • Spread the word
  • Reach out with any feedback

⚖️ License

The MIT License License: MIT