NRIC Validator

npm library size npm

An Utility to validate Malaysia NRIC

I decided to publish this as public library after using this library to 3 Angular Projects and fixed some issues on it.

Tech stacks

  • Javascript
  • Ava


npm i nric-validator

for Deno support, you can get library from here.

import * as NRIC from "";


  • check NRIC valid
  • get birth date
  • get gender
  • get age
  • format NRIC number


  • Small bundle size
  • Work with all frameworks
  • Simple to use


It is simple to use the library, just import it directly to the typescript component

import NRIC from "nric-validator";

And use like this:

Check NRIC valid

Valid format is YYMMDD-PB-###G.

YYMMDD, the person's date of birth in the ISO 8601:2000 format; for example, a person born on 16 September 1963, would have 630916 as the first six digits of their identity card. A person born on 1 January 1900 would have 000101 as the first digits, same with a person born on 1 January 2000.

PB, the seventh and eighth digit, based on the place of birth of the person, which will be referred from the birth certificate upon application of the MyKad.

###, the ninth through eleventh digit is the generic special number generated by the National Registration Department of Malaysia's computer system.

G, the 12th digit represents the gender of the person. The odd numbers for G denote male while the even numbers denote female.

  • if valid return true
  • if invalid return Error('Invalid value number format') || false
const nric = new NRIC(value);

Get birth date

  • if valid return birthday Fri Feb 24 1956 00:00:00 GMT+0730 (Malaysia Time)
  • if invalid return Error('Invalid value number format') || false
const nric = new NRIC(value);
nric.birthDate // Fri Feb 24 1956 00:00:00 GMT+0730 (Malaysia Time)

Get gender

  • if valid return F || M
  • if invalid return Error('Invalid value number format') || false
const nric = new NRIC(value);
nric.gender // F (Female) or M (Male)

Get age

  • if valid return age
  • if invalid return Error('Invalid value number format') || false
const nric = new NRIC(value);
nric.age // 29

Format NRIC number

A static method with 2 arguments:

  • NRIC value
  • Delimiter (default -)
NRIC.format('560224608354') // 560224-60-8354
NRIC.format('560224608') // 560224-60-8
NRIC.format('56022460') // 560224-60
NRIC.format('56022') // 56022
  • if the value length more than 12, return Error('Invalid value number length')
NRIC.format('56022460835456') // Error('Invalid value number length')
  • if the value is not numberic, return Error('Invalid value number format')
NRIC.format('1ad224-10-8354') // Error('Invalid value number format')

Support Traditional Way

We can get the library directly from here:

then, you can get it from window object and using normally.

const test = new window.NRIC('560224608354');
test.isValid // true