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This is a websocket provider sub-package for web3.js.

Please read the documentation for more.


import Web3WsProvider from 'https://deno.land/x/npm_web3_providers_ws@0.0.1/mod.js';

const options = {
    timeout: 30000, // ms

    // Useful for credentialed urls, e.g: ws://username:password@localhost:8546
    headers: {
      authorization: 'Basic username:password'

    clientConfig: {
      // Useful if requests are large
      maxReceivedFrameSize: 100000000,   // bytes - default: 1MiB
      maxReceivedMessageSize: 100000000, // bytes - default: 8MiB

      // Useful to keep a connection alive
      keepalive: true,
      keepaliveInterval: 60000 // ms

    // Enable auto reconnection
    reconnect: {
        auto: true,
        delay: 5000, // ms
        maxAttempts: 5,
        onTimeout: false

const ws = new Web3WsProvider('ws://localhost:8546', options);


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