A build tool that lets developers easily set up Svelte applications in a Deno runtime.


  • Compiler
  • Bundler
  • Live Reloading


  • After installing, run the following commands to get started.
novas create my-app
cd my-app
novas build
novas dev
  • After running novas dev, open http://localhost:3000 to see your app.

  • Make changes to the .svelte files in the source folder for live reloading on the browser.

How to install NOVAS

  • Install the latest version of Deno.
  • Install NOVAS
deno install --allow-net --allow-read --allow-write --unstable
About Permissions
  • --allow-net: Required for the dev server.
  • --allow-read: Allows NOVAS to compile svelte files.
  • --allow-write: Allows NOVAS to write to files it creates during the novas build process
  • --unstable: Allows the use of Deno's standard modules which might not be stable yet.
Read more about permissions or stability here

How to use NOVAS

  • To create a project, type:
novas create [project name]
  • To compile, first change directories to the root of the project (cd [project name]) then type:
novas build
  • To start developing, type:
novas dev
  • This will start up the development server and will open a websocket listening for any changes to the ./src folder. Upon saving changes, your svelte code will be compiled again and the browser will reload to reflect the changes.

Meet the NOVAS team