
Notion-query-builder is an opinionated filter query builder written in Typescript for use with the official Notion javascript client.

Note: This software is not affliated with Notion Labs, Inc. Issues and/or support should relating to this library be directed to the project's issue tracker.


Compatibility Version Id
Notion API 2022-06-28
Notion JS SDK v2.2.3+
Javascript ES2019+



npm i notion-query-builder

// or alternatively, [yarn|pnpm] add notion-query-builder


import nob from ''

// note: for a smaller package size, try the npm version as it's stripped of development artifacts
import nob from 'npm:notion-query-builder'


This library serves as a utility to write compact yet manageable queries for the Notion API - it is not a replacement for the client. It does this by doing the following:

  • You do not write JSON directly. This avoids large JSON objects clogging up your code, needing to remember structure and repetitive work.
  • You instead use 3 components - builders, queries and conditions - to construct your query and only provide the values.
  • You can use the components separately or mix with raw JSON if you prefer.

Once you have your query built, you execute the builder to output the JSON which defines your filter. This JSON is then used with the official client.

import { Client } from '@notionhq/client';
import nob from 'notion-query-builder';

const notion = new Client({ auth: process.env.NOTION_API_KEY });

const myFilter = nob.filterQuery([
  nob.checkboxFilter('Published', nob.equal(true)),
  nob.multiSelectFilter('Tags', nob.contains(['A', 'B']))

const response = await notion.databases.query({
  database_id: databaseId,
  filter: myFilter.toJson()
  "and": [
      "property": "Published",
      "checkbox": {
        "equals": true
      "property": "Tags",
      "multi_select": {
        "contains": "A"
      "property": "Tags",
      "multi_select": {
        "contains": "B"

API Reference

Full API documentation can be found:

This library's method namings aims to match closely with the official Notion API. As such, please also refer to the official Notion API documentation. For any inconsistencies, please raise a ticket in the project's issue tracker.


These conditions take native data types as arguments.

method alias example
equal eq,equal,equals,is,be nob.equal('hello world')
notEqual neq,notEqual,notEquals,isnt,isNot nob.notEqual('hello world')
contain contain,contains,has,include,includes nob.contain('hello world')
notContain notContain,notContains,doesNotContain,hasNot,exclude,excludes, nob.notContain('hello world')
startsWith startsWith nob.startsWith('hello')
endsWith endsWith nob.endsWith('world')
greaterThan gt,greaterThan,moreThan nob.greaterThan(9999)
greaterThanOrEqualTo gte,greaterThanOrEqualTo,moreThanOrEqualTo nob.greaterThanOrEqualTo(9999)
lessThan lt,lessThan nob.lessThan(9999)
lessThanOrEqualTo lte,lessThanOrEqualTo nob.lessThanOrEqualTo(9999)
empty empty,isEmpty,notExist nob.empty()
NotEmpty notEmpty,isNotEmpty,exists nob.notEmpty()
before before nob.before('2023-01-01), nob.before(new Date(2023,0,1))
onOrBefore onOrBefore nob.onOrBefore('2023-01-01)
after after nob.after('2023-01-01), nob.after(new Date(2023,0,1))
onOrAfter onOrAfter nob.onOrAfter('2023-01-01)
pastWeek pastWeek nob.pastWeek()
pastMonth pastMonth nob.pastMonth()
pastYear pastYear nob.pastYear()
thisWeek thisWeek nob.thisWeek()
nextWeek nextWeek nob.nextWeek()
nextMonth nextMonth nob.nextMonth()
nextYear nextYear nob.nextYear()

Term Level Filters

These filters take conditions as arguments.

method example
textFilter nob.textFilter('name', nob.contains('notion'), 'title')
numberFilter nob.numberFilter('age', nob.gte(12))
checkboxFilter nob.checkboxFilter('name', nob.eq(true))
selectFilter nob.selectFilter('name', nob.eq('notion'))
multiSelectFilter nob.multiSelectFilter('name', nob.eq('notion'))
statusFilter nob.statusFilter('status', nob.eq(['todo', 'in progress']))
dateFilter nob.dateFilter('name', nob.before('2023-01-01))
peopleFilter nob.peopleFilter('name', nob.eq('notion'))
filesFilter nob.filesFilter('name', nob.eq('notion'))
relationFilter nob.relationFilter('name', nob.eq('notion'))

Queries and Sepcial Filters

These queries and special filters take term level filters as arguments.

method example
filterQuery nob.filterQuery(nob.textQuery('name', nob.eq('notion'))
rollUpFilter nob.rollUpFilter('every', nob.numberFilter('age', nob.gte(10)))
formulaFilter nob.formulaFilter('number', nob.numberFilter('age', nob.gte(10))
compoundFilter nob.compoundFilter().and(nob.textFilter('name', nob.eq('notion'))).or(nob.numberFilter('age', nob.gte(10)))


Only one function but will switch between propertySort and TimestampSort depending on the field given. Direction is optional and defaults to descending.

methods examples
sort nob.sort('age'), nob.sort('age', 'ascending), nob.sort('created_time', 'ascending)


Run unit tests

npm test


notion-query-builder is inspired by elastic-builder and the countless hours it has saved writing ElasticSearch queries.



A random charity appears!

Young Women's Trust

Young Women’s Trust offers support to young women aged 18 to 30, who are living on low or no pay and want to build a better future, through Work It Out. Work It Out is a free service that offers coaching and personalised feedback on CV and job applications.

Org: Young Women's Trust, reg. charity no. 217868
