
Create, train and use neural networks using Typescript in Deno

Goal: create a Deno module with an interface like Scikit-learn to create, train and use neural networks

Plan: work on this during the upcoming Deno Hacktoberfest


  • Dense Layers
  • SGD optimizer
  • Basic metrics (e.g. RMSE for regression, accuracy for classification)
  • A network that achieves decent test accuracy on MNIST handwritten digits

Potential Features

  • Convolutional Layers
  • Different optimizers (e.g. AdaGrad, Adam, SGD with momentum, etc.)
  • Advanced metrics (e.g. F1 score)

Potential Interface

const net = new Network(input_dimensions=5, output_dimensions=1, hidden_layers=[5, 6])  

// X has 2 dimensions (batch_size, input_dimensions)
// y as 2 dimensions (batch_size, output_dimensions)
net.train(X, y)   

// X has 2 dimensions (batch_size, input_dimensions)

Loading MNIST Handwritten Digits data

This repository contains the MNIST handritten digits dataset in the data directory to train the network on. The dataset is compressed (gzip) and needs to be uncompressed before it can be used.

The MNISTDataLoader class can be used as follows to load data in a format that can be used with the neural network directly:

// Create an instance of the loader class
const loader = new MNISTDataLoader();

// Load the training data
const [X_train, y_train] = await loader.load_train();

// Load the test data
const [X_test, y_test] = await loader.load_test();

To check if everything works, run the data loader tests:

$ deno run --allow-read deno-loader-test.ts
