NeTS is a TypeScript Graph Theory/Network Science library.

Import it using the Deno import:

import { Network } from "";

But it might be simpler to use the Deno convention for external code linking:

// In `./ne.ts`
export * from "";

This is what will be used from now on.

Basic Functionality

You can create an instance the Network class:

const net = new Network();

  [1, 2],
  [2, 3],
  [3, 2],
  [1, 5],

Adding edges is forced by default. This means that if the nodes don't exist in the network, the function will create them before adding the edge.

The network has an edge_limit = 2500 and a vertex_limit = 1500 set when instancing. It can be changed with the initial arguments for the network:

const net = new Network({ edge_limit: 100, vertex_limit = 200 });

Extra functionality

You can import a network from a CSV using the loadAdjacencyMatrix function:

import { loadAdjacencyMatrix } from "./ne.ts";

const net = await loadAdtacencyMatrix("file_name.csv");

For testing, you can use the randomNetworkGen function. It randomly generates a network with the given arguments.