
deno module deno compatibility

Convert Jupyter notebooks to markdown


deno install --allow-read --allow-write https://deno.land/x/init@v0.1.0/mod.ts


  • Convert markdown cells into prose
  • Based on notebook language convert code cells into fenced code blocks
  • Convert STDOUT and STDERR into verbatim text
  • Handle execute output
    • image/png base64 encoded PNGs are decoded and save to image dir
    • text/html HTML produced by pandas.DataFrame is converted into markdown tables
    • text/plain is directly appended to output document
    • application/json is embedded into output document as JSON fenced code blocks


Convert a Jupyter notebook v4 into markdown

$ nb2md notebook.ipynb -o notebook.md

Skip output of code cells, default false

$ nb2md notebook.ipynb -o notebook.md --skip-output

Customize image directory, default images

$ nb2md notebook.ipynb -o notebook.md --image-dir img


  • --help or -h will print the CLI documentation to the terminal.
  • --version or -v will print the version number to the terminal
  • --output or -o path to output file, required
  • --skip-output skip code cell output, default fasle
  • --image-dir path to the image directory, default 'images'


You are welcome to report any bugs, other issues, or feature requests! If you want to add a fix/feature/other improvement fork this repository and make a pull request with your changes.