
A continuation of Wext.js for Deno.

Allows for a simple way of creating universal web applications - partly following the PRPL pattern. Using web components for the client side logic.


Import the Nattramn class and provide a config. Run with --allow-read and --allow-net flags in your server side code.

Include <script type="module" src="nattramn-client.js"></script> in your HTML template to be able to use the web component for the router and link.

For each page handler in the router config, a template is used as a stencil and will stamp the output of the handler method into <nattramn-router></nattramn-router>.

Use the <nattramn-link> web component for routes you wish to use soft navigation for. The route will be prefetched on hover similar to


import Nattramn from '';

const template = `
  <!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <script type="module" src="/nattramn-client.js"></script>

const config = {
  server: {
    compression: true,
    serveStatic: 'public',
    minifyHTML: true
  router: {
    pages: [
        route: '/',
        handler: async () => ({
          body: `
              Click link to go further!
              Read <nattramn-link href="/about">about me.</nattramn-link>
          head: '<title>Home - Nattramn</title>'
        route: '/about',
        handler: async () => ({
          body: `
            <p>The Nattramn only occationally shows himself[1] and is said to be ghost of a suicide[2].</p>
            <small>1) This library sends partial content on some requests.</small>
            <small>2) Node.js 🤡.</small>
          head: '<title>About - Nattramn</title>'

const nattramn = new Nattramn(config);

await nattramn.startServer(5000);

What does Nattramn do.

Express-like functionally with handlers for route, with the big difference that when partial content is requested only the <body> content of the next page is fetched and replaces the inner content of <nattramn-router>. There is also support for <title> in <head>, but not any other tags in head - as they usually do not matter for client side changes.


Nattramn in currently in production at

Logo attribution: