
A library to interact with the YouTube Music (InnerTube) api.

Note: This library is still in development, and is not ready for production use.



import { search, get_song } from "";

  .then((data) => {
    console.log("search results", data);

  .then((data) => {
    console.log("song", data);


const { get_artist } = require("libmuse");

  .then((data) => {
    console.log("artist", data);

For the complete list of operations, see the docs.


Currently, muse supports oauth authentication by posing as the YouTube TV app.

Here's the flow:

  1. Get a login code
  2. Go to the given login url, and type in the login code on a device that is logged into a google account
  3. Get the OAuth token & refresh tokens
import { get_option, setup } from "";
import { RequiresLoginEvent } from "";

const auth = get_option("auth");

  // make sure to persist the token
  store: new DenoFileStore("store/muse-store.json"),
  debug: true,

// this is the authentication flow
const auth_flow = async () => {
  if (auth.has_token()) return;
  console.log("Getting login code...");

  const loginCode = await auth.get_login_code();

    `Go to ${loginCode.verification_url} and enter the code: ${loginCode.user_code}`,

  // not necessary, but saves some requests
  confirm("Press enter when you have logged in");

  console.log("Loading token...");

  await auth.load_token_with_code(

  console.log("Logged in!", auth._token);

// listen to the `requires-login` event, then resolve pass on a function that
// returns a promise that will resolve when the auth flow is complete
auth.addEventListener("requires-login", (event) => {
  const resolve = (event as RequiresLoginEvent).detail;


In the future, I plan to add support for other auth methods, such as cookies and Youtube TV login codes.


You can pass in a storage object to the client to persist the auth token.

import { setup } from "";
import {
} from "";

// you can use the default store, which is DenoFileStore if available, then LocalStorageStore, then MemoryStore
const client = setup({ store: get_default_store() });

// or you can use any of the built-in stores
const client = setup({ store: new DenoFileStore("/path/to/file.json") });
const client = setup({ store: new LocalStorageStore() });
const client = setup({ store: new MemoryStore() });

// or you can implement your own store
// by extending the Store abstract class
class MyStore extends Store {
  get<T>(key: string): T | null;
  set(key: string, value: unknown): void;
  delete(key: string): void;

// then use it accordingly
const client = setup({ store: new MyStore() });

// Do note that setup() can be called multiple times, but it's not recommended. 
// this is because setup overrides the global store, so if you call setup()
// multiple times, other options set before will be ignored. example:

setup({ auth: { /* custom auth options */ } });
setup({ store: /* custom store */ });

// the above will only use the custom store, and ignore the custom auth options


I'm currently targetting to match the ytmusicapi's capabilities.

  • search
  • search suggestions


  • home
  • get artist
  • get artist albums
  • get album
  • get album browse id
  • get user
  • get user playlists
  • get song
  • get song related
  • get lyrics
  • get tasteprofile
  • set tasteprofile


  • get explore
  • get mood categories
  • get mood playlists
  • get charts
  • get new releases


  • get queue get watch playlist


  • get library
  • get library playlists
  • get library songs
  • get library albums
  • get library artists
  • get library subscriptions
  • get liked songs
  • get history
  • add history item
  • remove history items
  • rate song
  • edit song library status
  • rate playlist
  • subscribe artists
  • unsubscribe artists


  • get playlist
  • create playlist
  • edit playlist
  • delete playlist
  • add playlist items
  • remove playlist items


  • get library upload songs
  • get library upload artists
  • get library upload albums
  • get library upload artist
  • get library upload album
  • upload song
  • delete upload entity


  • ytmusicapi - The inspiration for this library
  • Youtube Internal Clients - The source of the client names and versions
  • many random gists and blog posts whose links I've lost