
A Deno module for M-Pesa Daraja API calls.

Ready to use:

Adding to your project

Import the module from as follows;

import { Mpesa } from "";


You will need the following from Safaricom:

  1. Consumer Key.
  2. Consumer Secret.
  3. Security Credentials for Production/Sandbox environment.
  4. [Callback server with Mpesa apis whitelisted]

How to use

const credentials = {
    clientKey: 'YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY_HERE',
    clientSecret: 'YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET_HERE',
    securityCredential: 'YOUR_SECURITY_CREDENTIAL',

//Environment is a string and may be either `sandbox` or `production`
const environment = "sandbox"
const mpesa = new Mpesa(credentials, environment);



The C2B Register URL API registers the 3rd party’s confirmation and validation URLs to M-Pesa ; which then maps these URLs to the 3rd party shortcode. Whenever M-Pesa receives a transaction on the shortcode, M-Pesa triggers a validation request against the validation URL and the 3rd party system responds to M-Pesa with a validation response (either a success or an error code). The response expected is the success code the 3rd party

M-Pesa completes or cancels the transaction depending on the validation response it receives from the 3rd party system. A confirmation request of the transaction is then sent by M-Pesa through the confirmation URL back to the 3rd party which then should respond with a success acknowledging the confirmation.

    ShortCode: "Short Code",
    ConfirmationURL: "Confirmation URL",
    ValidationURL: "Validation URL",
    ResponseType: "Response Type",
  .then((response) => {
    //Do something with the response
  .catch((error) => {
    //Do something with the error;
  1. ShortCode - The short code of the organization.
  2. ResponseType - Default response type for timeout.
  3. ConfirmationURL- Confirmation URL for the client.
  4. ValidationURL - Validation URL for the client.

Lipa na mpesa online

Lipa na M-Pesa Online Payment API is used to initiate a M-Pesa transaction on behalf of a customer using STK Push. This is the same technique mySafaricom App uses whenever the app is used to make payments.

    BusinessShortCode: 123456,
    Amount: 1000 /* 1000 is an example amount */,
    PartyA: "Party A",
    PhoneNumber: "Phone Number",
    CallBackURL: "CallBack URL",
    AccountReference: "Account Reference",
    passKey: "Lipa Na Mpesa Pass Key",
    TransactionType: "Transaction Type" /* OPTIONAL */,
    TransactionDesc: "Transaction Description" /* OPTIONAL */,
  .then((response) => {
    //Do something with the response
  .catch((error) => {
    //Do something with the error;
  1. BusinessShortCode - The organization shortcode used to receive the transaction.
  2. Amount - The amount to be transacted.
  3. PartyA - The MSISDN sending the funds.
  4. PartyB - The organization shortcode receiving the funds. Default is the BusinessShorCode.
  5. PhoneNumber - The MSISDN sending the funds.
  6. CallBackURL - The url to where responses from M-Pesa will be sent to.
  7. AccountReference - Used with M-Pesa PayBills.
  8. TransactionDesc - A description of the transaction.
  9. passKey - Lipa Na Mpesa Pass Key.
  10. Transaction Type - Default is CustomerPayBillOnline

Lipa na mpesa online query

    BusinessShortCode: 123456,
    CheckoutRequestID: "Checkout Request ID",
    passKey: "Lipa Na Mpesa Pass Key",
  .then((response) => {
    //Do something with the response
  .catch((error) => {
    //Do something with the error;
  1. BusinessShortCode - Business Short Code
  2. CheckoutRequestID - Checkout RequestID
  3. Lipa Na Mpesa Pass Key
    ShortCode: 123456,
    Amount: 1000 /* 1000 is an example amount */,
    Msisdn: 254792123456,
    CommandID: "Command ID" /* OPTIONAL */,
    BillRefNumber: "Bill Reference Number" /* OPTIONAL */,
  .then((response) => {
    //Do something with the response
  .catch((error) => {
    //Do something with the error;
  1. ShortCode - 6 digit M-Pesa Till Number or PayBill Number
  2. CommandID - Unique command for each transaction type. Default is CustomerPayBillOnline
  3. Amount - The amount been transacted.
  4. MSISDN - MSISDN (phone number) sending the transaction, start with country code without the plus(+) sign.
  5. BillRefNumber - Bill Reference Number (Optional).

Account Balance

The Account Balance API requests for the account balance of a shortcode.

    Initiator: "Initiator Name",
    PartyA: "Party A",
    IdentifierType: "Identifier Type",
    QueueTimeOutURL: "Queue Timeout URL",
    ResultURL: "Result URL",
    CommandID: "Command ID" /* OPTIONAL */,
    Remarks: "Remarks" /* OPTIONAL */,
  .then((response) => {
    //Do something with the response
  .catch((error) => {
    //Do something with the error;
  1. Initiator - This is the credential/username used to authenticate the transaction request.
  2. CommandID - A unique command passed to the M-Pesa system. Default is AccountBalance
  3. PartyB - The shortcode of the organisation receiving the transaction.
  4. ReceiverIdentifierType - Type of the organisation receiving the transaction.
  5. Remarks - Comments that are sent along with the transaction.
  6. QueueTimeOutURL - The timeout end-point that receives a timeout message.
  7. ResultURL - The end-point that receives a successful transaction.

Transaction Status

Transaction Status API checks the status of a B2B, B2C and C2B APIs transactions.

    Initiator: "Initiator",
    TransactionID: "Transaction ID",
    PartyA: "Party A",
    IdentifierType: "Identifier Type",
    ResultURL: "Result URL",
    QueueTimeOutURL: "Queue Timeout URL",
    CommandID: "Command ID" /* OPTIONAL */,
    Remarks: "Remarks" /* OPTIONAL */,
    Occasion: "Occasion" /* OPTIONAL */,
  .then((response) => {
    //Do something with the response
  .catch((error) => {
    //Do something with the error;
  1. Initiator - The name of Initiator to initiating the request.
  2. CommandID - Unique command for each transaction type, possible values are: TransactionStatusQuery.
  3. TransactionID - Organization Receiving the funds.
  4. Party A - Organization /MSISDN sending the transaction.
  5. IdentifierType - Type of organization receiving the transaction.
  6. ResultURL - The path that stores information of transaction.
  7. QueueTimeOutURL - The path that stores information of time out transaction.
  8. Remarks - Comments that are sent along with the transaction.
  9. Occasion - Optional.


Reverses a B2B, B2C or C2B M-Pesa transaction.

    Initiator: "Initiator",
    TransactionID: "Transaction ID",
    Amount: 1000 /* 1000 is an example amount */,
    ReceiverParty: "Reciever Party",
    ResultURL: "Result URL",
    QueueTimeOutURL: "Queue Timeout URL",
    CommandID: "Command ID" /* OPTIONAL */,
    RecieverIdentifierType: 11 /* OPTIONAL */,
    Remarks: "Remarks" /* OPTIONAL */,
    Occasion: "Ocassion" /* OPTIONAL */,
  .then((response) => {
    //Do something with the response
  .catch((error) => {
    //Do something with the error;
  1. Initiator - This is the credential/username used to authenticate the transaction request.
  2. TransactionID - Organization Receiving the funds.
  3. Amount - The Amount To Be Reversed
  4. PartyA - Organization/MSISDN sending the transaction.
  5. RecieverIdentifierType - Type of organization receiving the transaction. Default is 11
  6. ResultURL - The path that stores information of transaction.
  7. QueueTimeOutURL - The path that stores information of time out transaction.
  8. Remarks - Comments that are sent along with the transaction.
  9. Occasion - Optional.
  10. Command ID - Default is TransactionReversal
Name Role
Newton Munene Contributor
Aubrey O Contributor