
Fast, lightweight library to transform objects to mongo update instructions using operators.

Heavily inspired by npm::Mongo Dot Notation.

import * as $ from '';

const instructions = $.flatten({
  firstName: 'John',
  contact: { phone: '874-478-1254' },
  lastUpdate: $.$currentDate()

const instructions = {
  $currentDate: {
    lastUpdate: { $type: 'date' }
  $set: {
    'firstName': 'John',
    '': '874-478-1254'


  • Transform objects to mongo update instructions
    • supports embedded documents
    • supports mongo types (ObjectID, Int32 etc.)
  • Full support of mongo update operators
    • Field update operators
    • Array update operators
    • Bitwise update operators
  • Supports Deno 1.1.3 and above
  • No unecessary dependencies on mongo


Using $.flatten and operators to transform to mongo update instructions.

import * as $ from '';

const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient
const url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/db'
const users = (await MongoClient.connect(url)).db.collection('users')

const updateData = {
  comments: $.$push('Logged in.').$each().$slice(-100),
  env: 'demo',
  login: {
    date: $.$currentDate()
  analytics: {
    visits: $.$inc()
  account: {
    createdOn: $.$setOnInsert(new Date()),
    blocked: $.$unset(),
    attempts: 0,
    logins: $.$inc()

await users.update({ _id: 1 }, $.flatten(updateData))

Without mongo-dot-notation update instructions should look like:

// ...

const updateData = {
  $set: {
    'env': 'demo',
    'account.attempts': 0
  $push: {
    'comments': {
      '$each': ['Logged in.'],
      '$slice': -100
  $currentDate: {
    '': 'date'
  $inc: {
    'analytics.visits': 1,
    'account.logins': 1,
  $unset: {
    'account.blocked': ''
  $setOnInsert: {
    'account.createdOn': new Date()

await users.update({ _id: 1 }, updateData)


$ deno test



Use .flatten() to transform objects:

import * as $ from '';

const instructions = $.flatten({
  account: {
    name: 'hero'
// { '$set': { '': 'hero' } }


Checks if a given value is a mongo-dot-notation operator:

import * as $ from '';

$.isOperator(1) // false
$.isOperator({}) // false
$.isOperator($.$set(10)) // true

See below the list of all supported mongo update opertors.

Mongo update operators

Field update operators


See mongo $inc.

The $inc operator increments a field by a specified value. If no value is provided, defaults to 1.

import * as $ from '';

  visits: $.$inc(5) // increment current visits value by 5
// { '$inc': { 'visits': 5 } }


See mongo $mul.

Multiplies the value of a field by a number. (Supported in mongo >= 2.6)

import * as $ from '';

  price: $.$mul(0.75) // multiply current price value by 0.75
// { '$mul': { 'price': 0.75 } }


See mongo $rename.

The $rename operator updates the name of a field.

import * as $ from '';

  nmae: $.$rename('name') // rename nmae field to name
// { '$rename': { 'nmae': 'name' } }


See mongo $setOnInsert.

Assigns value to field only when the document is inserted (when an update operation is with upsert:true). (Supported in mongo >= 2.4)

import * as $ from '';

  { _id: 1 },
    createdOn: $.$setOnInsert(new Date()) // sets createdOn field only when document is inserted
  { upsert: true })

// { '$setOnInsert': { 'createdOn': new Date() } }


See mongo $set.

The $set operator replaces the value of a field with the specified value.

import * as $ from '';

  name: $.$set('Mike')
// { '$set': { 'name': 'Mike' } }

The $set is an implicit operator, meaning if an object is passed to $.flatten, it will navigate through own and embedded document fields and apply $set.

import * as $ from '';

  name: 'Mike',
  contactDetails: {
    email: ''

// {
//   '$set': {
//     'name': 'Mike',
//     '': ''
//   }
// }

The $set operator could also be used to update an embedded document entirely:

import * as $ from '';

  name: 'Mike',
  // contactDetails is updated to a new document
  contactDetails: $.$set({
    email: ''

// {
//   '$set': {
//     'name': 'Mike',
//     'contactDetails': { email: '' }
//   }
// }


See mongo $unset.

The $unset operator deletes a particular field.

import * as $ from '';

  comments: $.$unset(), // remove field from document
  history: $.$unset()
// { '$unset': { 'comments': '', 'history': '' } }


See mongo $min.

The $min updates the value of the field to a specified value if the specified value is less than the current value of the field.

import * as $ from '';

  low: $.$min(200) // update low to 200 if current low value is greater than 200
// { '$min': { 'low': 200 } }


See mongo $max.

The $max operator updates the value of the field to a specified value if the specified value is greater than the current value of the field.

import * as $ from '';

  high: $.$max(450) // update high to 450 if current high value is less than 450
// { '$max': { 'high': 450 } }


See mongo $currentDate.

The $currentDate operator sets the value of a field to the current date, either as a Date or a Timestamp. If type is not specified, uses Date by default.

import * as $ from '';

  lastUpdate: $.$currentDate()
// { '$currentDate': { 'lastUpdated': { '$type': 'date' } } }

To set as a timestamp, use:

import * as $ from '';

  lastUpdate: $.$currentDate('timestamp')
// { '$currentDate': { 'lastUpdated': { '$type': 'timestamp' } } }

Also, for timestamp an alias operator is defined in mongo-dot-notation:

import * as $ from '';

  lastUpdate: $.$timestamp()
// { '$currentDate': { 'lastUpdated': { '$type': 'timestamp' } } }

Array update operators

.$ (update)

See mongo $ (update).

The positional $ operator identifies an element in an array to update without explicitly specifying the position of the element in the array.

import * as $ from '';

   { _id: 1, grades: 80 }, // match all elements from grades array where value equals to 80
     grades: $.$().$set(82) // for matched elements, update value to 82

// { $set: { "grades.$" : 82 } }

In order to update the matched document's field:

import * as $ from '';

   { _id: 1, 'grades.grade': 80 },
     grades: $.$('std').$set(1.5)

// { $set: { "grades.$.std" : 1.5 } }

The positional $ operator is chainable with all mongo supported update fields.

import * as $ from '';

   { _id: 1, grades: 80 },
     grades: $.$().$mul(0.1) // multiplies matched array element by 0.1

// { $mul: { "grades.$" : 0.1 } }

Can also be used to update an array element by a given index:

import * as $ from '';

  grades: $.$(0).$set(100)
// { $set: { "grades.0" : 0.1 } }

Same, when updating the element's field:

import * as $ from '';

  months: $.$('5.avgTemp').$set(25.7)
// { $set: { "months.5.avgTemp" : 25.7 } }


See mongo $addToSet.

The $addToSet operator adds a value to an array unless the value is already present, in which case $addToSet does nothing to that array.

import * as $ from '';

  values: $.$addToSet(5)
// { '$addToSet': { 'values': 5 } }

To add each value from a given array:

import * as $ from '';

  values: $.$addToSet([7, 1, 4]).$each()
// { '$addToSet': { 'values': { '$each': [7, 1, 4] } } }


See mongo $pop.

The $pop operator removes the first or last element of an array. Pass $pop a value of -1 to remove the first element of an array and 1 to remove the last element in an array.

import * as $ from '';

  values: $.$pop() // removes by default last element
// { '$pop': { 'values': 1 } }

To remove first element from the array:

import * as $ from '';

  values: $.$pop(-1)
// { '$pop': { 'values': -1 } }

There are chainable .first() and .last() methods defined:

import * as $ from '';

  indexes: $.$pop().first(),
  scores: $.$pop().last(),
// { '$pop': { 'indexes': -1, scores: 1 } }


See mongo $pullAll.

The $pullAll operator removes all instances of the specified values from an existing array.

import * as $ from '';

  values: $.$pullAll([0, 1])
// { '$pullAll': { 'values': [0, 1] } }


See mongo $pull.

The $pull operator removes from an existing array all instances of a value or values that match a specified condition.

import * as $ from '';

  values: $.$pull(7)
// { '$pull': { 'values': 7 } }

If an array is provided, implicitly applies $in operator:

import * as $ from '';

  values: $.$pull([0, 1])
// { '$pull': { 'values': { '$in': [0, 1] } } }

See mongo documentation for conditions.


See mongo $push.

The $push operator appends a specified value to an array. Can also be used to slice and sort the array.

import * as $ from '';

  grades: $.$push({ grade: 'A' })
// { '$push': { 'grades': { grade: 'A' } } }

To push several values, chain with .$each()

import * as $ from '';

  grades: $.$push([{ grade: 'A' }, { grade: 'B' }]).$each()

// {
//   '$push': {
//     'grades': {
//       '$each': [{ grade: 'A' }, { grade: 'B' }]
//     }
//   }
// }

To push values at a specific position use .$position() (requires the use of .$each(). Supported in mongo >= 2.6)

import * as $ from '';

// insert as a first element in the array
  grades: $.$push({ grade: 'A' }).$each().$position(0)

// {
//   '$push': {
//     'grades': {
//       '$each': [{ grade: 'A' }],
//       '$position': 0
//     }
//   }
// }

To slice the array, use .slice() (requires the use of .$each(). Supported in mongo >= 2.6)

import * as $ from '';

// insert the element and limit to last 10 values
  grades: $.$push({ grade: 'A' }).$each().$slice(-10)

// {
//   '$push': {
//     'grades': {
//       '$each': [{ grade: 'A' }],
//       '$slice': -10
//     }
//   }
// }

To sort the array, use .sort() (requires the use of .$each(). Supported in mongo >= 2.4)

import * as $ from '';

// insert the element and sorts descending by grade
  grades: $.$push({ grade: 'A' }).$each().$sort({ grade: -1})

// {
//   '$push': {
//     'grades': {
//       '$each': [{ grade: 'A' }],
//       '$sort': { grade: -1}
//     }
//   }
// }

Multiple instructions can be chained:

import * as $ from '';

// insert the element, sorts descending by grade
// and slices only first 10 values
  grades: $.$push({ grade: 'A' }).$each().$sort({ grade: -1}).$slice(10)

// {
//   '$push': {
//     'grades': {
//       '$each': [{ grade: 'A' }],
//       '$sort': { grade: -1},
//       '$slice': 10
//     }
//   }
// }

In case the array needs only to be sorted and/or sliced, mongo-dot-notation defines aliases:

import * as $ from '';

  grades: $.$sort({ grade: 1 }), // sames as $.push([]).$each().$sort({ grade: 1 })
  scores: $.$slice(10), // sames as $.push([]).$each().$slice(1)
  values: $.$sort().$slice(-5) // sames as $.push([]).$each().$sort().$slice(-5)

Bitwise update operators


See mongo $bit.

The $bit operator performs a bitwise update of a field. The operator supports bitwise AND, bitwise OR, and bitwise XOR (i.e. exclusive or) operations. Note XOR is supported in mongo >= 2.6

import * as $ from '';

  owner: $.$bit().$and(7) // performs a bitwise AND
  user: $.$bit().$or(1) // performans a bitwise OR
  group: $.$bit().$xor(5) // performs a bitwise XOR

// {
//   '$bit': {
//     'owner': { and: 7 },
//     'user': { or: 1 },
//     'group': { xor: 5 },
//   }
// }

Following aliases are defined in mongo-dot-notation:

import * as $ from '';

  owner: $.$and(7), // same as $.$bit().$and(7)
  user: $.$or(1), // same as $.$bit().$or(1)
  group: $.$xor(5), // same as $.$bit().$xor(5)
