
A tiny object property validator.

import mishape from 'mishape';

const validate = mishape({
  title: 'string',
  year: 'string|number',
  data: {
    available: 'boolean',
    dateRange: (x, is) => is.array(x) && x.length == 2 && x[0] < x[1]

  title: 'Dubliners',
  year: 1914,
  data: {
    available: true,
    dateRange: [1900, 1800]

// { ok: false, errors: [TypeError: Expected dateRange, got: 1900,1800 at data.dateRange] }



npm install mishape


import mishape from 'https://deno.land/x/mishape/index.js';


<script src="https://unpkg.com/mishape/dist/mishape.min.js"></script>

In the browser context, the default export name is mishape.

Browser (ESM)

<script type="module">
  import mishape from 'https://unpkg.com/mishape/dist/mishape.js';


Create a validator by passing a Schema to mishape. Pass an object to your newly created validator to retrieve a result in the shape of { ok: boolean, errors: TypeError[] }. Validator functions never throw.

const validate = mishape({
  name: 'string',
  age: 'number',
  items: 'array'

validate({ name: 'James', age: 28, items: ['lots', 'of', 'books'] });
// { ok: true, errors: [] }

Schema properties can be one of three things:

  1. An object, which is treated as a sub-Schema and will be validated recursively.

  2. A string denoting a type or union type, e.g., string, number, boolean|defined, string|number etc. By default, mishape includes built-in typecheckers for primitive types, including:

    • number
    • array
    • boolean
    • object
    • string
    • function
    • defined

    (Note: [] will pass the built-in object check).

    The built-in type-map can be extended by passing a custom map as a second argument to mishape:

    const validate = mishape({ data: 'object' }, {
      object: x => typeof x == 'object' && x != null && !Array.isArray(x)
    validate({ data: [1, 2, 3] });
    // { ok: false, errors: [TypeError: Expected object, got: 1,2,3 at data] }

    All custom typecheckers are provided the built-in typecheckers as a second argument, is, so the above can also be written as:

    const validate = mishape({ data: 'object' }, {
      object: (x, is) => is.object(x) && !is.array(x)
  3. A PropertyValidator function, which allows for more complex property validation. PropertyValidators are passed the value to be validated (x), as well as all typecheckers (is):

    const validate = mishape({
      name: 'string',
      age: (x, is) => is.number(x) && x >= 21
    validate({ name: 'Doug', age: 20 });
    // { ok: false, errors: [TypeError: Expected age, got: 20 at age] }


mishape borrows heavily from my other project, typeok.