
Microlemon CI

A collection of microservices with a common interface for Deno by Mandarine.


Microlemon is a collection of implementation of microservices for Deno. Currently, Microlemon has support for:


Microlemon offers a common interface to manage different communication layers. By having a common interface, the code tends to be straightforward and adaptable. While Microlemon is under construction, it is considered to be stable.


For information about how to use RabbitMQ with Microlemon, click here


For information about how to use Redis with Microlemon, click here


For information about how to use Nats with Microlemon, click here


For information about how to use TCP with Microlemon, click here

Adding Transporters to Internal Factory

Microlemon allows you to inject implementations of the Client interface to the internal factory. You can do this by using MicrolemonInternal.

import { MicrolemonInternal, Client, Microlemon } from "https://deno.land/x/microlemon@v2.0.0/mod.ts";

class MyTransporterImpl implements Client {

MicrolemonInternal.getInstance().registerTransporter("MY_TRANSPORTER_KEY", MyTransporterImpl);

const microlemon = new Microlemon();
const connection = await microlemon.connect({
    transport: "MY_TRANSPORTER_KEY",
    options: {
        host: "",
        port: 9777


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