Merkle Tree

Merkle Trees became especially famous in the context of Bitcoin's Simple Payment Verification - see chapter 8 in the Bitcoin Whitepaper.

In general you can use them to proof that a specific element is available at a specific index within an array (block, ...).

Usage Example

deno run
import { MerkleTree, Helper } from ""

const exampleArray = ["dog", "horse", "cow", "chicken"]

const merkleTree = new MerkleTree(exampleArray)

const investigatedEntry = "dog"
const proof = merkleTree.getProofElements(exampleArray.indexOf(investigatedEntry))
const investigatedEntryHashed = Helper.sha256(investigatedEntry)
const rootHash = merkleTree.getRootHash()
const isValid = merkleTree.verify(proof, investigatedEntryHashed, rootHash, exampleArray.indexOf(investigatedEntry))

if (isValid) {
    console.log(`we can be pretty sure that ${investigatedEntry} is in the array at index: ${exampleArray.indexOf(investigatedEntry)}`)