maze_generator (WIP)

maze_generator is a module for easily generating mazes.

This is work-in-progress, and feedback is welcome.

Almost everything is subject to change so this is all very unstable.

This module is heavily influenced by Jamis Buck's Coffeescript mazes. It is structured a little differently though and is written entirely in Javascript rather than Coffeescript. It also functions as a module, as well as a library. I aim to eventually add all the functionality that Jamis's CS maze library has.

Example Usage

import {Maze} from ""

let mazeSettings = {
  width: 12,
  height: 12,
  algorithm: "recursive backtracker"

//initialize the maze
let m = Maze.create(mazeSettings);

//generate it


Other examples

See the examples folder for more examples.

Also see this OpenProcessing sketch:

Maze Settings (object)

Property Description Valid Values Default Value
width (or xSize) The width of the maze. (How many columns there should be.) Any integer greater than 0. Any number greater than 100 defaults to 100. 30
height (or ySize) The height of the maze. (How many rows there should be.) Any integer greater than 0. Any number greater than 100 defaults to 100. 30
algorithm The algorithm to use. Any one of the following: "recursive backtracker", "ellers", "sidewinder", "kruskals". This isn't case sensitive. Characters other than a-z are ignored (so you can add apostrophes if you like). "recursive backtracker"
seed Not currently working. This is the seed for the random number generator. Any number. A random integer from 0 to 10^8.