Macromania Config

A framework for consistent, scoped configuration management for Macromania macros.

Imagine a macro <FavoriteWord /> whose output should be a configurable word, optionally in uppercase. When implemented with macromania-config, the user-facing configuration API works like this:

<Config options={
  <ConfigFavoriteWord word="chouette" upperCase/>
  {/* Config for further modules can go here as well. */}
  <FavoriteWord />{/* Evaluates to "CHOUETTE". */}

  {/* You can locally override configuration options. */}
  <Config options={<ConfigFavoriteWord word="pneu"/>}>
    <FavoriteWord />{/* Evaluates to "PNEU". */}

  {/* The override was purely local. */}
  <FavoriteWord />{/* Evaluates to "CHOUETTE". */}

The implementation of the favorite-word package uses the createConfigOptions function provided by macromania-config:

import { createConfigOptions } from "./macromania-config";

 * Internal config state for the macro.
type FavoriteWordOptions = {
  word: string;
  upperCase: boolean;

 * User-facing type to describe changes to the config state.
 * Note how we made the props optional.
type FavoriteWordChanges = {
  word?: string;
  upperCase?: boolean;

// Obtain setter macro and getter function
const [
] = createConfigOptions<FavoriteWordOptions, FavoriteWordChanges>(
  // name of the setter macro, as it should appear in debug information.
  // Initial config state (of type `FavoriteWordOptions`).
    word: "default",
    upperCase: false,
  // How to apply a config change to the prior config value to obtain a new one.
  // Must return an entirely new value, not mutate the old one.
  (oldValue, update) => {
    const newValue = { ...oldValue };
    if (update.word !== undefined) {
      newValue.word = update.word;
    if (update.upperCase !== undefined) {
      newValue.upperCase = update.upperCase;
    return newValue;
export { ConfigFavoriteWord };

export function FavoriteWord(): Expression {
  return <impure fun={(ctx) => {
    const word = getter(ctx).word!;
    return getter(ctx).upperCase! ? word.toUpperCase() : word;
  }} />;

That demonstrates the complete API.

createConfigOptions<S, U>(default: S, applyUpdate: (old: S, update: U) => S) returns a macro for setting the config options, and a function for getting them.

The <Config> macro is used by the user to set configuration options via the setter macros returned by various calls to createConfigOptions. These setters error when used outside the options prop of the <Config> macro.