Lume Theme Shiraha


// _config.ts
import lume from 'lume/mod.ts'

// from (stable)
import shiraha from ''

// from github (latest)
// import shiraha from ''

// from jsdelivr (latest)
// import shiraha from ''

export default lume().use(shiraha())


FFF Flavored Frontmatter

Powerful and versatile Frontmatter format. If you were using Urara before, your postings will not require much modification to migrate.

Automatically generate theme colors for your articles with featured image through Shiraha Colors.

JSON Feed in Everythere

Provides a JSON Feed for each list: homepage, tags, categories... all can be subscribed via the reader.

View Transitions [WIP]

Currently you need to enable #view-transition-on-navigation manually in chrome://flags.

No need for additional Swup or Pjax, the most native page transition.


This work is free, it comes without any warranty. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See the COPYING file for more details.