Fluent for Lume

A Fluent wrapper to help you easily build multilingual site with Lume.


The plugin must be installed AFTER the official plugin, multilanguage.


// _config.ts of Lume

import lume from 'lume/mod.ts'
import multilanguage from 'lume/plugins/multilanguage.ts'
import fluent from 'https://deno.land/x/lume_fluent/mod.ts'

const site = lume()

site.use(fluent(/* Options */))

export default site


(This section only for stable release; to get the latest options, look for Options interface in mod.ts file)

  • optionName type (default value)
    • option description
  • fluentTag string ("ftl")
    • The plugin can use any nonstandard HTML tag name as a placeholder element.
    • Default is: <ftl></ftl>
  • fallbackLanguage string ("en")
    • The language to get a message if the current language doesn't have the message. Learn more in Fallback Order
  • fn Record<string, FluentFunction> (undefined)
    • You can pass your custom function to Fluent file and use it like built-in functions
  • includes string (site.options.includes)
    • Mark Fluent translation file location
    • By default, plugin will search for translation in site.options.includes
  • extensions string[] ([".html"])
    • For now, please ignore


Fluent Tag Attributes

If attribute 'tag' is set, all the attributes will be kept in the new element except these attributes:

  1. msg = id (required)
  2. tag = standard-HTML-tag-name
  3. var-* = FluentVariable

Fallback Order

The order for displaying message is from 1 to 4. Start from number 1:

  1. Current Language
  2. Fallback Language
  3. Message Inside Fluent Tag
  4. an Empty String


If you have:

  • Fallback language is en
  • 2 Fluent files vi.ftl, en.ftl
    • vi.ftl may have awesome-msg with content "Thông điệp sâu sắc"
    • en.ftl may have awesome-msg with content "A thoughtful message"
  • A layout has 1 Fluent tag
    • <ftl msg='awesome-msg'>Message Inside Fluent Tag</ftl>.

Here is a several cases:

  1. Current file is in vi & awesome-msg in vi is available.
    • Result: "Thông điệp sâu sắc"
  2. Current file is in vi & awesome-msg in vi is not available but en does.
    • Result: "A thoughtful message"
  3. Current file is in vi & no language has awesome-msg message key.
    • Result: "Message Inside Fluent Tag"
  4. Current file is in vi & no language has awesome-msg message key. Even worse, the "Message Inside Fluent Tag" is not set, Fluent tag is now an empty tag:
    • Result: ""

Known Issues

[ P problem | E explanation ]

P The translation tag (<ftl>) in void element form is not working.
E This was more like upstream problem. In browser DOM parse, only a certain tag name is treated as void element. The rest (standard & nonstandard) will be automatically wrapped, see deno-dom#154. Because of that, any attempt to use Fluent tag as void element <ftl /> will end up loosing all the content below the tag during replacing process. So for now, even I really want to support void element, there is nothing I can do.


  • improve error message on notfound (need to point out the content source?)
  • fix bug on returning notfound when fallback exists
  • improve demo directory
  • add testcases
  • research on usecase of extensions option, it was meant to support XSLT but I don't know how far I can push.
  • collect data & usage cases on FluentBundle Isolating mode (generate invisible character)
