
A Lume post-processor add-on for developing multi-language websites. Lume is a static-site generator for the Deno JavaScript/TypeScript runtime.

Use lume_cross_language_content for sharing data between different language version of your website.

For example, a product page on an e-commerce can show the same price across languages while storing the price information in one single file in a Lume project.


Call lume_cross_language_content from your Lume project's configuration file:

// _config.ts

import lume from 'lume/mod.ts';
import lume_cross_language_content from 'lume_cross_language_content/mod.ts';

src  = './src',
dest = './build';

export default
  src, dest,
  location: new URL(''),
  lume_cross_language_content.createAfterBuildListener(src, dest)

Don't forget to define the lume_cross_language_content/ import prefix in your lume project's import_map.json file:

  "imports": {
    "lume/"                       : "",
    "lume_cross_language_content/": "",

lume_cross_language_content@v1.x.x versions are compatible with lume@v1.x.x versions from lume@v1.13.x upwards.

How it works

lume_cross_language_content assumes that your Lume project's source directory contains a file that has the path _data/cross-language-content.yaml. This file contains data that you wish to define once in your Lume project. Note that this file mustn't contain arrays.

cross-language-content.yaml file contents look like this:

currency: USD
    monthly_fee: 195
    yearly_fee: 1950

Here are the rules for this file:

  • Literals can be strings or numbers, both floating point and integer numbers are supported.
  • No arrays.

Your project pages can then access this data. Here is what a pricing.yaml page might look like:

layout: layouts/pricing.njk
title: Plans

- title   : Basic
  price   : §§{plans.basic.monthly_fee} §§{currency} per month or §§{plans.basic.yearly_fee} §§{currency} per year. 

All Lume page types have access to this shared data, whether it is .yaml, .njk, .md or something else. And the same §§{} format is used for accessing data from all page types.

This is because lume_cross_language_content modifies the HTML pages after they have been built by Lume, and does not touch the Lume pages in the source directory.

In other words, lume_cross_language_content is a post-build tool. Note that the local Lume server must be restarted if the _data/cross-language-content.yaml file is modified.

Other relevant Lume add-ons

If you are developing multi-language sites, the following Lume plugins are a nice complement to the lume_cross_language_content add-on:


This website project uses Lume and lume_cross_language_content.


lume_cross_language_content is released under the Apache 2.0 License.