Warning: Could be unstable, I haven't tested everything yet, so I'm not sure.

GramJS for Deno

GramJS is a popular Telegram client written in JavaScript for Node.js and browsers, with its core being based on Telethon.

And this, hehe — This is a port of GramJS for Deno. It is written in TypeScript, except api.js which is JS.

What is Deno? https://deno.land


Consider following the original GramJS documentation. However, you can follow the Getting Started example for a start.

Getting started

Note: This is a modified version of original GramJS README

Here you'll learn how to obtain necessary information to create telegram application, authorize into your account and send yourself a message.

First, you'll need to obtain an API ID and hash:

  1. Login into your Telegram account
  2. Then click "API development tools" and fill your application details (only app title and short name are required)
  3. Finally, click "Create application"


Never share any API/authorization details, that will compromise your application and account.

When you've successfully created the application, set the API ID and hash you just got from Telegram in the following code.

import { StringSession, TelegramClient } from "https://deno.land/x/grm/mod.ts";

const apiId = 123456;
const apiHash = "abcd1234";
// fill this later with the value from session.save()
const stringSession = new StringSession("");

(async function () {
  console.log("Loading interactive example...");
  const client = new TelegramClient(stringSession, apiId, apiHash, {
    connectionRetries: 5,

  await client.start({
    phoneNumber: () => prompt("Enter your phone number:")!,
    password: async () => await prompt("Enter your password:")!,
    phoneCode: async () => await prompt("Enter the code you received:")!,
    onError: (err) => console.log(err),

  console.log("You should now be connected.");
  // Save this string to avoid logging in again

  // Send a message to yourself
  await client.sendMessage("me", { message: "Hello!" });

Lets run it:

deno run -A example-file.ts

You'll be prompted to enter your phone number, and code you received. Save the printed string somewhere and use it in new StringSession("") to avoid logging in multiple times. Then you should have a "Hello" message in your Saved Messages.


This is a direct port of GramJS for Deno. And this was just an attempt, which turned out to be a successful one. At least, the startup, the getting started example, file uploading/downloading works. I'm happy about it. And I don't know this works for you, but it works for me :)

It took me like 4 days. Total of 20h6m for this repository alone. And including dependency porting and figuring out the original code, its a total of almost 34.8h for the first release. I didn't just copy and paste stuff — I did, but I manually wrote lot of the files.

I haven't added any JSDocs yet. I'll add them later. I didn't add any because its a mess if there are a lot of comments while porting (We can just collapse them, I know. But my machine can't take too much load, its an old one).

I had to port the following Node packages to Deno. I know that some of them is not even have to be ported, but I didn't realised that then.


Pull requests are welcome. But, I only suggest you to open pull requests if they are related to fixes or improvments with the porting, migrating from Node packages to Deno's built-in or std stuff, etc. Pull requests related to GramJS core itself are not very welcomed here, because I was thinking to keep up with the original repository by following their changes.

I am not very experienced in most of the core stuff used in GramJS. Most importantly, websockets. I really want to migrate from using node packages socks and websocket to Deno's built-in websocket stuff, if it is possible (it should be possible). If you can help migrating it, that would be great!